How would you accomplish this if the field type used in the ask the user filter is text? I have done this previously by just using a URLEncode around my text field, but this no longer works in the new table reports.
If the field I am filtering on is [Building Name] and I want to pick Building One, URLEncode([Building Name]) gives me Building%20Name. However, if I manually go to the report containing the ask the user filter and select Building One, the end of the URL is "v0=Building-One". I could try to replicate this with a search and replace, but what if the name doesn't have a space but another special character? Currently almost everything I try results in "v0=" with nothing following it when I open the report via my url, and of course it is not filtering in that case.
Edited: The filter actually seems to work fine now, even without the URLEncode. I was having trouble with it last night, and adding the &ifv=1 made things worse. All seems to be working correctly now, so I must have made another error along the way. Leaving the post for reference that the same process for filtered reports works on non-numeric fields.
Oana Toma