# Open.AI NLP Sentiment Analysis # # Account slugs: # - quickbase[jOder3V]: ChatGPT Application --- - META: name: Open.AI NLP Sentiment Analysis enabled: true - TRIGGER quickbase[jOder3V] record on_create -> a: inputs-meta: export_fields: '"Question, Response, Related Components - Prompt" <6, 7, 10>' table: '"ChatGPT: Questions" ' - ACTION json-handler json_source fetch_json_blob -> b: inputs-meta: body: "{\n \"model\": \"text-davinci-003\",\n \"prompt\": \"Interpret the\ \ sentiment embedded within the user's statement: '{{a.question}}'. Scrutinize\ \ the phrasing, tone, and inherent context to identify the dominant sentiment.\ \ Allocate the sentiment to one of these classifications: positive, neutral,\ \ negative, or mixed. Justify the classification succinctly, highlighting\ \ specific linguistic indicators and emotional resonances found within the\ \ statement.\",\n \"temperature\": 0.4,\n \"max_tokens\": 3500,\n \"top_p\"\ : 1,\n \"frequency_penalty\": 0,\n \"presence_penalty\": 0\n}" headers: 'Content-Type: application/json Authorization: PASTE OPENAI API KEY json_url: https://api.openai.com/v1/completions method_type: POST - b<>QUERY json-handler json_object search -> c: inputs-meta: json_records_path: /choices json_schema_sample: "{\"text\": \"\\n\\nThis is indeed a test\",\n \"index\"\ : 0,\n \"logprobs\": null,\n \"finish_reason\": \"length\"\n \ \ }" - c<>LOOP: - DO: - a<>ACTION quickbase record update -> d: inputs: response: '{{c.text}}' ...