Forum Discussion

RishabhNarula's avatar
Qrew Member
5 years ago

Drop down list blank

I am developing a home page, one of fields is having drop down list with a specified list of values.
When we go to edit page to feed values for this field we are seeing an extra blank option in the list.
I need to have just the options i have specified in the list and get rid of this blank space there as an option.
I verified and removed any blank space or extra new line in my list, but it gives still the same.
Can someone please help me - how to remove these blank space.

Rishabh Narula

6 Replies

  • AustinK's avatar
    Qrew Commander
    On your field do you have it set to have a default value? If you pick a default value and also set the field as required then you will have no blank option, but the default value you set essentially becomes the new blank.

    If you set it as just required you will still have the blank but they will be forced to chose an option other than blank. Can you tell me why that causes an issue for you? Maybe there are other options or I am misunderstanding the problem.

    Also just to be more clear where is this happening at? A home page of the app or a table? Or is this on a form? Grid edit report maybe?
    • RishabhNarula's avatar
      Qrew Member
      Hello Austin, Thank you for your response.
      I am trying to view and edit / feed value to this field from the Edit page.
      I have not provided any default value to the field and have provided a list of values to pick from for this drop down field.
      This field can not be placed as required as in my scenario i have multiple such fields and i am displaying them as and when needed.
      Issue is that i am seeing the list of values i provided for this field along with one more empty / blank option in the drop-down. I want to have just my values in there and no blank option.

      Rishabh Narula
      • AustinK's avatar
        Qrew Commander
        Why is having a blank not acceptable in this case? I think that is my biggest question here. Is this just a visual issue that you dislike or is it causing you some problem? I am just trying to understand why you want it done this way so I can make sure you get a good solution or that someone can provide one.

        It should work fine if you require it via a form rule, the same rules that are showing and hiding fields or sections. Then you can show and require it in one rule when it is needed.

        If you require the field via form rules it will still show a blank but they will not be allowed to save with it as blank. It sounds like that would solve your issue but just not visually.