Forum Discussion

RameshSingh's avatar
Qrew Member
2 years ago

Calendar Report


I need help with quickbase calendar report. I currently have a field called start date which has list of companies. I have a another field called frequency which is multiple choice field consisting of daily weekly semi-monthly and monthly. I want to have calendar show the records which falls in the freqency range from start date. Can it be achieved in quickbase?


4 Replies

  • Hi there, I haven't seen this exact workflow set up before but I think it can be accomplished in Quickbase. Have you tried building a pipeline for this by any chance? You would want to think through a few details of how you would like this to work. You should think about when the appointments should be created, and how far in advance you would like to create them.

     For example, if the start date and frequencies are entered when the company record is created, you could trigger the pipeline off of that. And then schedule 12 months-worth of appointments. If you did this, you would also want a second pipeline to scan for all companies which were entered at least 1 yr ago, and then create another 12 months-worth of appointments so the pattern continues in the long term.

    Brian Cafferelli
    Product Marketing Manager | Quickbase
    • RameshSingh's avatar
      Qrew Member

      I know and i tried it with jinja but it doesn't create records. It runs into error

      var startDate = moment(Start Date);
      var endDate = moment().endOf('year');
      var dates = [];

      while (startDate.isSameOrBefore(endDate)) {
          startDate.add(15, 'days');


      • TimD's avatar
        Qrew Trainee

        looks like you're trying to use js, however, javascript code is no longer supported in qb formula fields. Or are you saying this is a jinja code? cuz it definitely is not

        Tim D