Forum Discussion

TraceSymonds's avatar
Qrew Trainee
2 years ago

Looking for examples: Tracking Learning Program Assets

Hi Community,
I work for a healthcare system in Talent Development/Training.  I'm also the resident Quickbase person.  

In my job, I create, implement and manage training programs across our system.  Much of what I do is in the form of electronic learning, graphics, etc.  I do have a few in person training programs that I manage but those are getting few and far between.

We are struggling with content management, versioning and tracking.  So say I develop an eLearning course, I certainly can store my original files in a folder on our SharePoint site, or a SharePoint list, but I find that system not so easy to use.  And customization, while possible, isn't the best.

So I decided to ask the community for examples of how you track assets.  Admittedly, I'm having a designer block in my brain and hope that by seeing or hearing about examples of how you use QuickBase to upload, track and iterate assets, it will give me the inspiration I need to make this a reality.  

I haven't started to look at how I perhaps can track versioning in Quickbase.  I have a vague idea of what I need to do, but again, if you have something you can share with me, I would greatly appreciate the brain restart!

If you are uncomfortable with sharing details here, message me and I'll give you my email address and we can discuss offline.

I greatly appreciate all of you in the community!

Trace Symonds
Senior Instructional Systems Designer
Presbyterian Healthcare Services
Albuquerque NM

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