Forum Discussion

CasieMasters's avatar
Qrew Cadet
6 years ago

Adding a regular report to an ""Is Current User"" reporting role

I have my Sales Rep roles to all display reports where "is current user".  I just created new summary reports for each of them and need to display those reports on their dashboard.  Where do I select in the new reports to only display as current user?  I used filters to create 10 different reports for each 10 sales reps, but ideally would like to just use the "is current user".  Is that possibly on a summary report? 

3 Replies

  • If you have a user field  on your records, the report should allow you to select where that user field is equal to the current user.  If it is not allowing that, then you can make a Formula User field called [Current User] with a formula of 


    You can also filer against _curuser_

    but that is kind of obscure, so personally I just make a field called [Current user]

    That way you only need 1 report for all users to see "my" records.  Everyone sees just their own records.

  • I created the Current User field but now it's not showing any results at all, even when I test as.  The only data in the table that could correspond to what rep it is, is the related employee field.  I'm confused as to how I connect the Current User to the related employee?

  • I created the Current User field but now it's not showing any results at all, even when I test as.  The only data in the table that could correspond to what rep it is, is the related employee field.  I'm confused as to how I connect the Current User to the related employee?