Forum Discussion

AmberPollard's avatar
Qrew Assistant Captain
6 years ago

Bar Chart with Series Sorting

I'm creating a bar chart with a series.

The chart differentiates between laptop and desktop machines is broken down by average cost by month based on a date field called "date acqird".

But I can't get the chart to sort by date acquired -- and I'm not really given options on how it's sorted except for "low to high" or "high to low".

How would I do this?

Thank you!

4 Replies

  • Just wondering: Does it solve the issue if you uncheck "show month as a name" option in the field properties of Date Acquired? I think having the month in alphabet format is causing this issue. If you make it show in number, this should be sorted appropriately
  • AmberPollard's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    Thanks for your reply! The date acquired field actually just displays the dates as numbers "08-01-2018", etc, but the report is summarizing them by month so it can average the monthly cost.

    What would you suggest?