Forum Discussion

MeganHardison's avatar
Qrew Member
5 years ago

Changed text color

I have an inventory form that has about 50 fields. Only about 3 fields need to be filled out when someone fills out the form depending on what inventory items they used. When we print this page, it all shows up as the same black text and its hard to see what fields were filled out. Is there a way when someone types a number in any field to have it show up in bold red or something bright?

Megan Hardison

2 Replies

  • No, that's is not really possible, but you can have an icon appear if the field is not blank.

     There is a handy list of icons here

    so the formula forn a rich text formula field would be

    IF(Trim([my text field])<>"", "<img src=>")

    Mark Shnier (YQC)
    Quick Base Solution Provider
    Your Quick Base Coach
  • There is a way to accomplish this Megan.

    I used four data entry fields to test this out: [Detail1] (text field), [Detail2] (multi-select text), [Detail3] (numeric currency), and [Option1] (text - multiple choice). 
    1. Add both a formula rich text field and a checkbox field for all of your fields that get filled out
    2. Add an additional check box
    3. Add formulas to the rich text fields (change the stylization to meet your need)
      1. Example: "<a style=font-size:175%;color:#0000cc;font-family:helvetica;background-color:#ffffcc;><b>"&[Detail1]&"</b></a>"
        1. Swap your field name with "Detail1" from the above example
    4. Add dynamic form rules
        • be sure to check the "Collapse the space when hiding fields" option

    This setup allows the user to fill out the field, once the field is not blank it will hide that field and the rich text field will show in its place, and the edit check box allows the user to toggle between the entry fields and the rich text fields so that they are able to make changes if needed.

    Here is what it looks like with everything shown so you can see the changes occur with the logic.

    Entry fields are blank:

    Entry fields are not blank:

    Edit is checked:

    Edit is then unchecked:

    Here is the record in view mode:

    This will still function without the check boxes for the rich text dynamic form rules on the form so you should not include these on your form unless you are troubleshooting.

    Two interesting things occurred that I was not expecting during this. What I found is that with the multi-select text field, the pop-up selection dialog box will jump to the top left of your screen after you have made the first selection.

    No selections made; dialog box in normal position:

    After the first selection is made; dialog box at top left of screen:

    The other odd thing is that the numeric currency field does not show as currency in the formula text field. This can be remedied by adding the dollar sign in the formula of the rich text field:

    "<a style=font-size:175%; color:#0000cc; font-family:helvetica; background-color:#ffffcc;><b>$"&[Detail3]&"</b></a>"

    You can also help the user out with field information:
    which is added in the fields settings at the bottom of the page:

    Adam Keever