Forum Discussion
Hi Mark,
very simple to do with Pipelines. I like to use a formula url field that displays as a button to edit the record to fire the pipeline, it also helps you track who copied the project...
URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() & "?a=API_EditRecord&rid="& [Record ID#]
& "&_fid_112=Copy Project Clicked by " & UserToName([Last Modified By]) & "_" &ToText((Now()))
& "&apptoken=**use your own APPLICATION TOKEN here**"
& "&rdr=" & URLEncode(URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid()& "?a=doredirect&z="&Rurl())
Pipeline Steps:
- Create a Pipeline that triggers when a Project record is updated and field_112 is updated
- Create a new Project Record
- Search Tasks table records from the Updated Project where Related Project = Record id of updated project and Status is not Completed
- loop through those task records found in step 3
- create a new task record for each task found, set Related Project = Record ID of Project record created in step 2
Juiced Technologies
- MarkShnier__You11 months agoQrew Legend
An advantage of Chayce's method is a better user experience. The copy process will happen instantly and have a pop up asking the user if they want to navigate to the new Parent..
Mark Shnier (Your Quickbase Coach)
------------------------------- ChayceDuncan11 months agoQrew Captain
The other advantage of the CopyMasterDetail versus Pipeline to echo my own and Mark's comment is just the feature rich nature of CMD versus a Pipeline. CopyMaster will copy/update Predecessor/Dependencies if you have them, and allow for cascading copies so if you have grandchild tables those will also copy. A Pipeline will do the job a little less efficiently but does give you a little more control over selectively choosing what you don't want to copy.
Chayce Duncan
------------------------------ - MikeTamoush10 months agoQrew Commander
Will the pop up asking if you want to navigate to the new Parent only happen if using the auto created copy master/detail button that you can create by going into settings, or is there a way to do that using the Copy Master Detail api?
I use the api (because the native create button does not work on mobile), but always have to redirect to a report or something of the sort. In fact, I can't remember but I think rdr doesn't even work on mobile, so I always end up quite stuck trying to do copy master/detail on mobile.
Mike Tamoush
------------------------------- ChayceDuncan10 months agoQrew Captain
Yes - that auto-created button has syntax that follows a unique Quickbase process/pop up workflow specific to that button/setup that allows you to go to the new record. The API would have to be routed through a code page or some other process that you could query the most recently created record by the user and redirect them accordingly.
Chayce Duncan