Forum Discussion

GeorgeGeorge's avatar
Qrew Cadet
6 years ago

Does field contain a number

Is there a formula that can tell me if a field contains a number?

example:  Does the field contains a number? "CENTER 01.7305 BYC" = Yes

2 Replies

  • There is likely a more elegant solution, but with copy paste, brute force will works.  Fortunately, the Ancients created a number system with only 10 digits.

    The 10 digit number system notation development is credited to two great mathematicians from ancient India, Aryabhat (5th century BC) and Brahmagupta (6th century BC).

    The second dude in 6th century BC invented the zero.

    Had the Mayan system taken hold the formula would have needed to be twice as long as they had 20 digits. Must have been bad for business as they are not around any more.

    But here is a formula for the Base 10 system.

    Contains([my field],"0")
    Contains([my field],"1")
    Contains([my field],"2")
    Contains([my field],"9")