Forum Discussion

RubyKapil2's avatar
Qrew Captain
4 years ago

List formula to include field names

Is there an easier way to include field names when using the List formula? The method I am using below is two part so wondering if there was an easier way to go about this since I have about 10 fields, FieldA, FieldB, FieldC etc.

1. Create new Formula Text fields for each field as follows
If( IsNull([FieldA])=false, "FieldA " &  [FieldA], "")

2. Create a List formula using the Formula Text fields instead of the original fields FieldA, FieldB, etc.

Ruby Kapil
Wi-Finity, Inc

1 Reply

  • Maybe sorta, but not really, though you may want to consider a different approach, just to make it a bit easier to manage...

    For each field, setup a variable like this:

    var text fa = IF([field a]="","","Field A " & [field a]);                               This allows you to copy/paste the var and just change out a few items

    Then, for your list formula, you would just have this:

    List("; ",$fa,$fb,$fc...)

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