Forum Discussion

Raymond_MarlonT's avatar
Qrew Trainee
5 years ago

User Accounts


I am currently an Administrator in an App.
I have two inquiries.

1. Can you have 2 user role in 1 App? Can you be both Administrator and a Participant in an App?

2. How come if you are an Administrator in the App your name doesn't appear in the List - User field? Only participants appear on the list. Is there a way to fix that?

Your utmost advise will be appreciated.



1 Reply

  • Hi Raymond,

    For your first question yes you can be in both the Admin and Participant role in an application, the way Quick Base handles roles is that the permissions they give you to view records, make changes, etc are added together if you are in more than one role so you would still have all your Admin permissions even if you gained another role. To your second question a User field by default usually just pulls a list of common users into a pre populated list but can pull up any user, if you go into the field and start typing your name or email address it should search for your user and find it. That is if it is set to default, it is also possible to set a user field to only have a specific list of users available, you can check this by going into the field settings and see if it is set to default or custom list if you still don't show up when you start typing in your name and email address. I hope this information is helpful Raymond and definitely let me know if you run into issues trying this.

    Evan Martinez
    Community Marketing Manager
    Quick Base