Forum Discussion

MichaelCurtis's avatar
Qrew Cadet
8 years ago

image on load

I heard a rumor that image on load may be going away. I have been using it a lot with my apps, is this true? should I start doing things a different way?
  • I don't think it is true. With the creation of the new Rich Text fields QuickBase made provisions to automatically convert Text Fields with some HTML allowed into Rich Text to avoid breaking a lot of applications. Moreover there are many different script injection techniques available today of which IOL is only the first one popularized. Hopefully the product will more directly support user supplied JavaScript in the future but I don't think you have anything to worry about.
  • I had the same first question when the new UI was announced. Support told me:
    As of right now I can confirm that there are no current plans in place that would disable Image Onload. It should be noted though that we do not officially support it, but if it is working now I think you should be safe to assume it will continue working. 
    • _anomDiebolt_'s avatar
      Qrew Elite
      Actually in years past I had a QuickBase product manager tell me IOL was going to be removed. But it does not even matter any more as there are multiple ways to inject JavaScript into a page and Service Workers gives you complete control over the pages. And believe it or not there are even more powerful features being added to browsers that make Service Worker obsolete. So if you hear product managers nay-saying Service Workers don't believe them. There is no stopping this  train.
    • MichaelCurtis's avatar
      Qrew Cadet
      What are the other ways to inject javascript and what are the situations for them?
    • _anomDiebolt_'s avatar
      Qrew Elite
      IOL - Image Onload
      BOL - Branding on Load
      SW - Service Workers
      US - User Script (like greasemonkey or tamper data)
      OEH - On Error HTML