Color part of the background in a field
Hello, I have a filed that I need to color part of the text and not another, example - 30%/30% I have gotten close, however there is an invisible line break with the color formula I can't figure out. Here is my formula: var text targetl=Left([Target], "/"); var text targetr=Right([Target], "/"); var text targetlc="<div style=\"background-color:yellow;\">"& $targetl &"</div>"; $targetlc & "/" & $targetr The formula leaves me with the below text and I am trying to get them to be on the same line. I have tried a few different variations but still I end of up with two separate lines. 30% /30% Any help is appreciated. Thank you ------------------------------ Jennifer Silberstein ------------------------------18Views0likes1CommentTotal work days in a Month
Hello, I am trying to calculate the total work days in a month based on today's date. Here is my formula but it is not working correctly, I am getting a total of 25 days for February and there are only 20 working days in February for this year. Dates and duration formulas in Quick Base are new for me so any help is appreciated. Formula: ToDays(ToWeekdayP(LastDayOfMonth([Today's Date])) - (ToWeekdayN(FirstDayOfMonth([Today's Date])))) My team wants to see what business day they are on (which I figured out) and then how many business days are in each month. Thanks ------------------------------ Jennifer Silberstein ------------------------------18Views0likes2Comments