Community Tip: Subscriptions So You Don't Miss out on the Conversation
Following a Community
For every community you are a member of you have the ability to control how you would like to be kept up to date on new conversations through our email notifications. You can choose between real time update emails, a daily digest of activity in the community, or to get no email notifications for that community at all. You can find that option on each communities home page by accessing the settings just above the Latest Discussions.
Following a Conversation
Even if you decide not to get a Real Time or Daily Digest for a specific community like our Quick Base Discussions you can still follow a specific conversation to get email notifications when a new reply has been posted. You would do this by opening up a conversation you are interested in and selecting the star icon that appears in the upper right hand corner next to the subject of the conversation.
A great bonus is that you can reply directly to a conversation right from your email. Baked right into the email notification is an option to Reply to Group that will allow you to send in a reply via your email client. You are also given the option to Reply to Sender which will take you into the community to reply directly to the sender of the reply via a direct message.
Managing Your Subscriptions
Now that you know a bit more about creating new subscriptions to help you follow conversations that interest you there is one place you can check in on what you are following. Right on your profile you can click on the 'My Connections' tab and 'Following' to see a list of the conversations you are following. This can help you find a conversation you are looking for or if you want to clean up what you are following to limit the updates you are getting.
Right on your profile you can also find a few other really helpful tools under the 'My Account' dropdown. Here you can find all of your 'Community Notifications' to manage what communities you get subscriptions from and how often. You can also access your 'Email Preferences' to control how often you hear from us about things like having a new contact request or system emails.
RSS Feeds
If you are more of a fan of an RSS feed then notifications you can also set up RSS feeds right under your profile. The option is under the 'My Account' tab and allows you to set up RSS feeds on the Discussions, Libraries, and Blogs of the various communities you belong to.