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The Qrew Blog

Ask Me Anything about the new Quick Base visual builder

DavinWilfrid's avatar
Quickbase Staff
6 years ago

Today we announced the Quick Base Visual Builder, a new feature that will fundamentally change the way people learn and build with Quick Base. WeÕre really excited about this release, and want to get as much feedback as possible from our community.  

This Thursday, March 28th, weÕll host our first-ever live AMA (Ask Me Anything) featuring our esteemed product manager Jon Arias. Jon will be here from 2-3 p.m. EST to answer any questions you have about the visual builder, other ways weÕre making Quick Base easier to learn, or anything else youÕd like to know.   

Submit your question in this topic any time between now and then. Jon will be in this thread live to tackle them on Thursday!
Published 6 years ago
Version 1.0