Calling all Quickbase Expert-certified staff: Volunteer request (with thank you gift!)
Are you Quickbase Expert certified and want to help us improve the Expert exam?
Quickbase University is currently refreshing and improving our certification exams and we need Expert-certified volunteers to give us input on the new Expert exam design. By filling out a job task analysis (JTA) survey, (estimated time 30-45 min) you can give vital input to ensure members of our community are assessed on how our platform is actually used – from your perspective. So, if you think that you’d like to help in this way, please review the participation details below and apply to help. We will also happily send thank-you gifts of $25 Amazon gift cards to everyone* who is accepted for the volunteer task and completes the survey.
Important: Acceptance to this volunteer task is at the discretion of Quickbase University and there is a maximum number of participants. Once the desired number of volunteers is reached, participation will be closed for further applicants.
Participation Details
Project: Quickbase Expert Certification Exam Refactor: JTA Survey
Task: Rate 60-80 job tasks for four exam validity factors according to your experience as a certified Quickbase Expert. The tasks are presented in an online form and the survey must be completed in one sitting.
Volunteer requirement: All survey respondents must be currently Expert certified and have a current Quickbase University account. Note: Survey also includes Pipelines advanced content and responders will be expected to answer questions about Pipelines tasks.
Survey Timeframe: The survey will be sent starting on Monday, August 22, 2022 and must be completed by EOB Friday, September 2, 2022, EDT/Boston time.
Volunteering: Please request participation by writing to including your full name, employer, and role. Please also include the email of your corporate Quickbase University account, if you are writing from a different email.
*Important eligibility note: Before volunteering, please review and understand your employer's policies regarding your eligibility to participate in this type of event. If you are participating in violation of your employer's policies, you may be disqualified from participating or receiving gifts. If you are a government employee, you are responsible for understanding the government gift and ethics rules that are applicable to you and you may not be eligible to volunteer. Quickbase disclaims any and all liability or responsibility for disputes arising between an employee and their employer related to this matter, and gifts will only be awarded in compliance with the employer's policies.