Certification Exam Promotion Ending - Don't Miss Out!
The team at Quickbase University wants our community to know that our current free certification exam promotion is ending. We want to make sure that, as the end of the year approaches, you take advantage of this great offer if you can. Here is a simple FAQ to get you the information quickly:
What’s happening?
The free exam promo code “qbcares”, which has been active for the calendar year of 2021 for our existing exams, will cease to function on Dec 31st, 2021 and will not be renewed for 2022.
Why is this happening?
Offering this promotion code was one way that Quickbase chose to support our community during the COVID-19 crisis by allowing you to have one free exam attempt for a limited time. Now that normalcy is slowly returning globally, this promotion is coming to its end.
Why do I need to know this now?
We’d like to remind everyone of the promotion code while it’s still active, so you can take advantage of it. If you’ve considered attempting our Builder, Expert, or Combined exam, you might want to attempt it before the end of the year for free by using the code.
Can I use “qbcares” for the upcoming Pipelines Builder exam?
No. Although the new Pipelines Builder exam is anticipated to go live on December 15, 2021, it will not be part of the remaining time period of this promotion.
How can I use “qbcares” if I want to?
Any time before the end of Dec 31st, 2021 Boston, USA time (11:59pm UTC-5h) - go to the Certification section of Quickbase University, select an exam and then “Get Started” and insert “qbcares” in the Promotion code field and the price will reduce to $0.00. Afterwards, the exam will appear under My Profile -> Registrations and can be taken at your leisure. However, keep in mind that this year’s exams expire at the end of this year and any untaken exam attempts will no longer be available. Finally, remember, if you're doing this on the last day, make sure you have enough time to take the exam itself as it will become unavailable at the end of the day as stated.