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Deprecation of Summary Information on Table Reports

MarkLind1's avatar
Qrew Trainee
5 years ago
As discussed in the recent blog, Brian Cafferelli's Blog, the idea to remove the ability to create a pseudo summary report (using a table report as the baseline) could be a bit of a hassle for those of us who use these to be able to manipulate the field/column title, so the end user doesn't see 'Related...' as opposed to the terminology they're most familiar with.

With this deprecation being slated to happen sometime in spring 2021, does this mean that we'll be able to override column titles for summary reports? If not, then it's forcing us into creating another set of fields with the names we want displayed, then use those in place of the original field names solely for reporting purposes...This just seems like a bit of unnecessary busy work to get our business column names available, since we've been able to use table reports to override the column titles as we've seen fit.

Obviously, I do try to use summary reports whenever possible, but we've had several instances where it would have just been a larger process than it needed to be to get the business terms displayed on a summary report, so we've been using table reports and then summarizing the data so we could easily override the field names and save the report.

Mark Lind
Business Analyst
CCI Systems, Inc.
Published 5 years ago
Version 1.0
  • While I don't personally use the pseudo summary options on the Table Reports, I know a lot of users do, including several of my clients. I've just submitted a suggestion for a way to bridge the gap to Quick Base's UserVoice page here, if you'd like to go check it out and vote it up.

    My suggestions:
    Option 1) Change the Report Description field to a Rich Text field to allow Report Builders to insert any text along with a link of their choice.
    Option 2) Setup an actual "Summary Report Link" field in the Report Properties that would allow the Report Builder to select from a list of Summary reports on the same table

    Blake Harrison
    DataBlender - Quick Base Solution Provider
    Atlanta GA
    404.800.1702 /
    • MarkShnier__You's avatar
      Icon for Qrew Legend rankQrew Legend
      I love the low cost suggestion to allowing Rich Text in the Report Description.  No only would that allow a link to a Summary Report, but it would also just allow us to make the Report Descriptions on all Reports and charts more useful with Rich Text.  I voted for it.

      Mark Shnier (YQC)
      Quick Base Solution Provider
      Your Quick Base Coach
    • srinuGuguloth's avatar
      Qrew Member

      srinu Guguloth