How can we help you adapt to your new (and evolving) priorities?
I spent some time this morning looking at how a variety of businesses are adapting their approach to continue to live their mission in this new reality. My son's elementary school is holding physical education class every morning online. Brené Brown is leading non-denominational prayer groups on Instagram. Veterans groups are posting daily workout challenges on social media to inspire physical and mental fitness during this stressful time. Fine dining restaurants are converting to touchless delivery literally overnight.
Touching base with my team, I was inspired by the collaboration and partnership we've delivered to customers over the past week. State and local governments are spinning up apps to manage their response(s) to the COVID-19 crisis. Businesses are rapidly identifying business needs and developing applications to address them. Other clients have built apps to manage IT assets that need to be delivered to newly remote employees.
The world is changing fast and we all are in a constant state of trying to adapt even faster. We know you are facing new priorities and evolving challenges right now. For our team at Quick Base that means we want to help more than ever. What can we do to help you and your team succeed in this new environment? What new problems have cropped up? How can we help you solve them? We can help with everything from app building advice to simply being a sounding board. We know the power of our community, and we know that you all are doing amazing things everyday; if you are creating an app that you think others could benefit from, please add it to our App Exchange.
We look forward to connecting and collaborating with you soon.
How To Publish An App
Neil Forbes