The Qrew Blog
New Quick Base University Course for September 2018
7 years agoQuickbase Staff
Welcome to the Quick Base University blog! Each month the Training Team will use this space to highlight a list of courses that weÕve recently created or updated along with a "Did You Know" training tip.
New Course Published in the Last Month
FF25:Managing Your App (Fundamental series)
Learn how to use your appÕs properties and management settings to benefit your users and yourself. You'll see how to adjust app properties and configure the display formats for information like dates, times, and currency. You'll also discover ways to manage your app's structure, or schema, and to manage content like attachments, reports, and notifications.
As apps evolve, app managers often revisit and adjust these settings. Learn how to stay on top of them!
In this course, you will learn how to:
- Set up the properties of your app
- Find information to help troubleshoot your app
- Manage the schema of your app
- Manage the contents of your app
- Manage the ownership and data of your app
Did You Know...
... you can search and replace in your app's structure?
In Microsoft Word, Find and Replace is a popular and powerful tool that many of us regularly use to swap out incorrect terms, misspellings, and other changes. When you realize youÕve used the wrong word throughout a document, who wants to painstakingly go through it line by line Ð and maybe miss a few instances? Find and Replace to the rescue.
Many app builders donÕt realize that Quick Base has a similar feature!
ItÕs called Search & Replace in Schema*. Find it in your App Management settings under Manage App Structure. Use it to quickly change fields, reports, and labels throughout your app.
In the example below, someone misspelled the word ÒbuildingsÓ in several places. (True story: it was someone on the Quick Base University team!) Thankfully, we were able to use Search & Replace in Schema to fix it throughout our training app and save ourselves a lot of time.
Learn more about this and other app management features in the new fundamental course FF25: Managing Your App.
* Notes:
- Schema is the technical term for an appÕs structure, consisting of elements like tables, fields, and relationships.
- Search & Replace in Schema is different from searching and replacing data in your appÕs tables, such as the name of a department or project. If you want to change data, you should search and replace data using a report.
Published 7 years ago
Version 1.0DanHenderson
Quickbase Staff
Joined July 16, 2019
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