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The Qrew Blog

Our Customer Success App-a-thon winner is the Feedback App (The FeedbApp)!

EvanMartinez's avatar
Quickbase Staff
6 years ago
Recently our Customer Success team here at Quick Base had their very own internal App-a-thon. It was a great opportunity for us to promote a fun, innovative environment and let our savvy builders compete for bragging rights by building an app. Each team took on their own unique use case and were set loose to design and deliver an app. They then presented their apps to the discerning panel of Quick Base judges, vying for first place. 

One of our customers' common refrains is that they have a hard time getting the feedback from their app users necessary to make their apps even more successful than they already are. To help out all those app builders looking for a better way to collect feedback on their app and turn it into action, our winning Customer Success team built "The Feedback App," and we wanted to share it with you!

The Feedback App your go-to app for getting the info you need to receive, work on, and respond to end user feedback. It is designed to provide you with a framework/model for tracking and managing end user feedback for one app OR across a sprawling app ecosystem. You can use it as the one central source of app feedback, or integrate parts of it into your existing apps.

Download it on the exchange

Try it out, and write a review to let us know what you think!

Published 6 years ago
Version 1.0
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