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The Qrew Blog

Proactive Performance Notifications Pilot

hhersch's avatar
Quickbase Staff
7 years ago
Over the coming weeks, some of you may start to see some messages show up in Quick Base with tips and suggestions on how to ensure optimal performance for your Apps. We believe that Quick Base builders are some of the most creative people in the world, but with that creativity there also comes a lot of variation in how Quick Base Apps are built. That's why, for us, it's really exciting to have the ability to proactively alert you to pitfalls that you may encounter, without slowing you down.

As a limited pilot, administrators of an application that load any report and/or form taking more than 1 second to load will see the following message.

Then, by investing just a few minutes of time, builders can use the awesome Quick Base Performance Profiler to improve the load time of that report. Even marginal improvements add up quickly.

If you do see this banner, you can choose to temporarily hide it.

Over time, and based on the success of this pilot, we will strive to refine these messages and get even more precise with the actions we suggest. We look forward to measuring the success of this and hearing your feedback.

For more details, check out the related blog post.
Published 7 years ago
Version 1.0
  • Thank you Harrison. I ran into this alert today on one of our internal applications. I did not pursue the Quick Base Performance Profiler, but I will make sure to do so next time I come across this notification. 
  • SuryaExpert's avatar
    Qrew Assistant Captain
    Harrison, Performance monitoring was a feature that was already in existence since 2011 or so. How is this different?
  • hhersch's avatar
    Quickbase Staff
    Hi Surya. Quick Base has had a "Performance Bar" for quite a while. This was an opt-in feature that a user can use to see how long it took Quick Base to respond to a request and/or how the user's internet speed was performing. That might be what you are referring to in 2011. A few years ago, Quick Base released the "Performance Analyzer". This is a tool that allows admins to specifically zero in on an action and understand what makes up the request time. But this requires the admin to know what request they need to scope. What we are now doing is proactively alerting an admin to a specific action we recommend that they evaluate for improvements.