Introducing "Q Tips", a blog series designed for Qrew members to share tips with the rest of The Qrew. Q Tips are short and sweet. The idea behind a Q Tip is there's something you do in Quickbase that makes your life easier, and you want to give access to this gold nugget to the rest of The Qrew.
Do you want to submit your own Q Tip? Join the Champions Program and take the Q Tip challenge! I'll review all submissions and publish entries everyone in The Qrew can benefit from. What do you get? Points, badges, and the priceless feeling of knowing you made The Qrew a little bit smarter today.
@Tammie King shares a Pipeline below that's been super helpful to her in putting all of her formula and field properties in one spot. Nice job Tammie!
"I have recently built a Pipeline that Grabs all of the tables and fields in an app and stores them as a table within the app. It uses JSON to grab formulas and field properties as well. I love it because it is a place I can go to see everything in my app at once. I have attached a small snip-it of some of the fields.."