Qrew Group Highlight - Realm Admin Customer Network
Introducing Qrew Group Highlights, a blog series dedicated to highlighting a Customer Network or Community-led Qrew Group. Each month, we'll highlight a different Customer Network or Qrew Group. What are Qrew Groups you ask? BAM. Enablement link. Check out the upcoming Customer Networks on our Events page. If you want to connect with others in The Qrew, no better place to do just that than through Qrew Groups. Register for some events, share your successes, and see how others in The Qrew are winning with Quickbase.
Calling all Realm Admins! Your Qrew is waiting for you...
The Realm Admin Customer Network is THE spot to get the best insights and approaches to governing Quickbase realms. The best part is you get to learn directly from others who are owning this role just like you. Growing your Quickbase accounts in the right way requires a smart approach, and it's clear the best way to learn how to Realm Admin the right way is to meet others who have been there and faced the same challenges.
CSM Jenn Richardson organizes virtual meetups monthly, with the next meetup on Wednesday, July 12th. She joined me to discuss what happened at the last meetup and she's looking forward to seeing this Qrew get together again next week. Register today!