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Quick Hits Webinar-Project Management for Field Teams Wednesday, December 12 at 1pm ET / 10am PT

EvanMartinez's avatar
Quickbase Staff
6 years ago
Does managing teams in the field feel like herding kittens? Learn how you can make it much easier to connect teams both in and out of the office using one intuitive platform in this 20 minute presentation.

Join Sean and Matt from Quick Base for a LIVE presentation on 
Wednesday, December 12 at 1pm ET / 10am PT, including a guided demo followed by Q&A. In just 20 minutes, you'll see how you can:
  • Track critical project information from customer data to work orders and more
  • Share real-time data on dashboards, customizable by role for better decision-making
  • Connect to other processes such as asset tracking, financial operations, safety and incident tracking, and more
Don't miss this special event -Find out even more and register here.
Published 6 years ago
Version 1.0
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