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Streamline Crisis Grant Management with New Apps

emmalynch's avatar
Quickbase Staff
6 months ago

Across the country, states and cities are facing a wide range of crises and emergencies, like natural disasters, housing shortages, and migrant influxes, to name a few.  Earlier this year, Vice President Kamala Harris announced $5.5 billion in funding to boost affordable housing, invest in economic growth, build wealth, and address homelessness in communities throughout America (1). In FY 2023, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), through FEMA, provided $355.1 million in funding to assist state, local, tribal, and territorial governments in developing their emergency management capabilities and for all-hazards preparedness activities. (2) 

Crises require a quick response, and the logistics of applying for and managing grants to address them can be challenging. Emergency response grants require substantial resources and coordination and can also tax the outdated systems state and local governments often use to obtain the funding they need. 

Effectively managing grants for emergency responses is critical for avoiding negative consequences, like delayed aid to impacted areas, misallocation of limited resources, or compliance risk and penalties, to name a few. Plus, with new regulatory requirements and pressure to improve response times and accuracy, agencies need an effective and comprehensive solution to manage grants more than ever.  

Our new grant management apps are designed to enable you to expertly apply for and manage grants, maximize funding impact, and help you stabilize impacted communities. So instead of worrying about staying compliant or having the tools to measure results, you can focus on what matters most – helping those in need.   

Grant Reporting App: Use this app to efficiently track outcome-based reports, streamline the submission process for grant recipients, and automate report management. Ensure proper fund usage and maintain oversight with centralized data and automated workflows, enhancing accountability and effective allocation.  

Grant Application Portal: Use this app to streamline your grant application process. Simplify grant funding applications by submitting, or allowing users to submit applications, which are then routed internally for approval. Track and report on funding totals and application statuses to ensure seamless management and oversight of your grant processes.  

How to Install an App from the Exchange 

Installing an app is simple and should take just a few minutes! Watch the short video below to learn how to access the Exchange and find and install apps.  



  1. FACT SHEET: Vice President Harris Announces $5.5 Billion to Boost Affordable Housing, Invest in Economic Growth, Build Wealth, and Address Homelessness in Communities Throughout America | The White House
  1. FY 2023 Emergency Management Performance Grant Program Fact Sheet |
Updated 6 months ago
Version 1.0
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