Blog Post
We have a formula-rich text button to open a small browser window to complete an outside task, referencing current record fields. Will this be blocked??
"<a class='Vibrant Alert' onclick=\"var'https://webserver/upload.php?"
& "client_name=????"
& "&appid=??????"
& "&filepath=" & URLEncode([Custom S3 Key])
& "&addfilename=Y"
& "&dbid=????????"
& "&rid=" & URLEncode ([Record ID#])
& "&bucket_name=bucketname'"
& ",'newwindow', 'top=240,left=320,width=675,height=295,location=no,menubar=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,status=no,resizeable=yes');\""
& " >Upload Documents</a>"
Will this be blocked?? So a deprecation date has been announced; and there is talk about extending the functionality of QB to provide similar functionality; but NO DATE for when that is going to happen... Lots of false positives reported, so no good way of knowing for sure. Can't believe the steps offered as a way to verify... now we have to login as a REALM admin to check??