Blog Post
BrianCafferelliThank you for the update. I created a Pipeline that uses Restful API and in three steps gets a report, determines if there are values and then updates all the records in the report in a batch UPSERT. I posted it on the Community. Took me an afternoon to write and test. IMO this is likely the way we will implement Pipelines development. We have discovered looping Pipelines only cause performance issues to our end Users and fill up the Performance Monitor with loads of reports. Batch UPSERTs are the way to go and I am thankful we can now UPSERT to a Unique field, that is a stoke of genuis.
I am hopeful Quickbase doesn't damage its customers further by deprecating Webhooks. Webhooks remain faster and easier to implement and manage. For example, I can enter /action/webhooklist into the address bar and I am there, this is the shortest distance between two points. The hardest part about Webhooks is learning how to make them work. If anyone ever wants to learn how to write a Webhook, come to a PDX Qrew meetup and we'll get you sorted.
Thanks again for the update.