Blog Post
5 years agoQrew Member
I'm wondering how the breakout sessions will work. Will we be provided separate links for each one? Will there be a limit on the number of people who can attend them?
Wendy Haas
Wendy Haas
- Elizabeth_C_Hyl5 years agoQuickbase StaffHi Wendy,
All of our breakout sessions are being hosted on a virtual platform. We'll be providing a tutorial on how to navigate the space. There is a breakout room space, we're you'll be able to see and select the sessions you want to attend. The sessions will be released per the agenda schedule which you can find on the Empower website (
We are not limiting that amount of people that can join each session.
Beth Hyland
------------------------------- StephenArnold5 years agoQrew TraineeWill this also count toward re-certification?
Stephen Arnold
------------------------------- AlisonHunt5 years agoQuickbase StaffHi!
Yes, for every full-length session you attend during the event, you will receive one credit to re-certification. So you can earn a total of six.
Alison Hunt
Senior Marketing Manager, Customer Events
Quick Base