Forum Discussion

AustinK's avatar
Qrew Commander
2 years ago

Re: Capped Commission Calculation

If you use the min formula in the way you are describing then it will work fine. Are you 100% positive you know what number is coming through and being used for the calculation?

The way Min works is you feed it a bunch of numbers and it spits out the smallest one. 

Min(1000, 4000 * 0.2) would calculate to 800. That's why Mark is suggesting you may not be dealing with the numbers you think you are if you are not seeing the same calculation. Math only tells the truth here, use it to find what is happening with the data. 

What I usually do is show all fields used in the calculation on the form when building it out if I am having an issue. That way you can follow the calculation and see where it is having an issue.
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