5 years agoQrew Member
Working with two tables
I have an application that allows users to create Field Tickets for work in their area. I have two tables in the application that are used to keep track of the Field Tickets. The first table contains a list of all of the blank Field Tickets called "Field Ticket Stock" that our company has had printed. The second table is the record of Field Tickets that are in use camed "Tickets".
We want to track all of our tickets from the initial order of blank tickets through the the payment of the Field Ticket. The original design did not include the tracking of the field ticket from the initial purchase to the point where it was sitting in a remote office waiting to be assigned to a person who was expected to record the work done by that person. I know that the world is trying to go paperless but we are not there yet so this is the system we have to work with. We want to ensure every Field ticket that we purchase is used by our field personnel and then billed to our customers.
My question is what is the method that should be used to verify the Field Ticket being assigned to a field person is actually listed in the Field Tickets Stock table before a clerk is allowed to use the field ticket number that was entered before she can save the Field ticked she has created on her side?
"My thought was to run a query to verify the existence of the Field Ticket Number from the "Tickets" table in the "Field Ticket Stock" Field Ticket Number Field.
Paul Guillory
We want to track all of our tickets from the initial order of blank tickets through the the payment of the Field Ticket. The original design did not include the tracking of the field ticket from the initial purchase to the point where it was sitting in a remote office waiting to be assigned to a person who was expected to record the work done by that person. I know that the world is trying to go paperless but we are not there yet so this is the system we have to work with. We want to ensure every Field ticket that we purchase is used by our field personnel and then billed to our customers.
My question is what is the method that should be used to verify the Field Ticket being assigned to a field person is actually listed in the Field Tickets Stock table before a clerk is allowed to use the field ticket number that was entered before she can save the Field ticked she has created on her side?
"My thought was to run a query to verify the existence of the Field Ticket Number from the "Tickets" table in the "Field Ticket Stock" Field Ticket Number Field.
Paul Guillory