Using custom data rules to cleanse data in tables?
Hi all... I was searching this morning on the internet for a "how to" on creating exception reporting in QB. I came across several posts on using custom rules to validate data during input/imports. I have a need to validate data that is currently in tables within the QB app that was developed. This app has been in existence for a few months and it looks like the data that has been added by users is not always correct. I'm trying to find a way to evaluate all the data in various tables and identify exceptions to business rules. Ideally I'd like to have a report that does this validation daily so that the data remains clean. Any thoughts on how this can be accomplished? ------------------------------ Marcia Miller ------------------------------2Views0likes0CommentsHiring FT Remote Quickbase Developer
Hi folks. I'm posting this in all the user groups to make sure as many people see it as may be interested. We're hiring a full-time remote Quickbase Developer. More details can be found atIndeed. If you can pass this along to anyone else you know, it would be appreciated. ------------------------------ Phillip Dennis ------------------------------2Views0likes0CommentsHow to get a application token?
I just took over the QuickBase Operation for our company. And I can find anything that allows me to create/review API token? Anyone can give me an idea where to look for it? ------------------------------ Andreas Nagel Senior Software Developer ------------------------------25Views0likes1CommentWorking with two tables
I have an application that allows users to create Field Tickets for work in their area. I have two tables in the application that are used to keep track of the Field Tickets. The first table contains a list of all of the blank Field Tickets called "Field Ticket Stock" that our company has had printed. The second table is the record of Field Tickets that are in use camed "Tickets". We want to track all of our tickets from the initial order of blank tickets through the the payment of the Field Ticket. The original design did not include the tracking of the field ticket from the initial purchase to the point where it was sitting in a remote office waiting to be assigned to a person who was expected to record the work done by that person. I know that the world is trying to go paperless but we are not there yet so this is the system we have to work with. We want to ensure every Field ticket that we purchase is used by our field personnel and then billed to our customers. My question is what is the method that should be used to verify the Field Ticket being assigned to a field person is actually listed in the Field Tickets Stock table before a clerk is allowed to use the field ticket number that was entered before she can save the Field ticked she has created on her side? "My thought was to run a query to verify the existence of the Field Ticket Number from the "Tickets" table in the "Field Ticket Stock" Field Ticket Number Field. ------------------------------ Paul Guillory ------------------------------1View0likes3CommentsIntro / Resource Gap
Hello, Atlanta!! My name is Blake Harrison and I've recently moved back to the area and wanted to say a quick 'HI!'. I am a professional Quick Base developer and a member of the Quick Base Solution Provider program. I've been working with Quick Base since approximately 2009 and started out as a Citizen Developer before going on to work for Quick Base for 4 years and then moving into professional development for the last (almost) 5 years. The Quick Base team puts a lot of work into providing various resources for learning, but I wanted to reach out and see if you felt there was any gap that you've noticed or type of resource you feel would be a great add to the existing ones. Additionally, if you're interested, I've got a Slack channel setup for Quick Base discussion. If you'd like to join, you can use this link to join the DataBlender Slack space: click here to join. ------------------------------ Blake Harrison - Quick Base Solution Provider ------------------------------1View0likes0CommentsWorking with two tables
I have two tables which The following lists show the table names in Bold and then some of of the fields in the tables listed below the table names. I am trying to ensure that a ticket entered in theTicketstable to record work being done is a valid ticket that has been shipped to a location in theField Ticket Stock Tablebefore the ticket can be saved in theTicketstable. I have been trying variations of the table to table relationships so I can try to do a search of the Field Ticket Stock Table to see if the Ticket # from theTicketstable exists otherwise the user will be given a message that the Ticket #cannot be used. I have been unable to make this happen and am looking for suggestions on how to make it work. Field Ticket Stock Table Tickets T# Ticket # FT# Field Ticket # Type of Work Location Date Shipped to Location TOW Location Location Who Shipped. Date of Service (this table has 233 fields) ------------------------------ Paul Guillory ------------------------------2Views0likes0CommentsUser Group - Live Session
Hi ATL User Group Members, I'm contemplating standing up an in-person QBUG session for early 2020 and wanted to see what the interest looked like. I'm thinking something casual with food, beverages, and a lot of friendly conversation. I'm happy to talk on some advanced QB topics too if anyone would like. Best regards, Tyler15Views0likes2CommentsAtlanta Ice Breaker
Hi, I'm Alison Hunt. I plan events for Quick Base app builders, and you might remember me from such events as "Empower 2018: Texas Hold Em" and "Empower 2019: Miami Sound Machine." I'm excited about the launch of our Atlanta User Group, which we are kicking off with the Atlanta Community Summit on November 7 th . I hope to see you there! This space is for making connections. A great start is to introduce yourself. Here are some questions to get you started. We look forward to learning more about you and so do your Atlanta-area peers! Are you Simpsons fan? If so, favorite quote. What's your favorite Empower memory? If you haven't been, what would it take to get you there this year? What's something you've learned about yourself while working with Quick Base? My Answers: I am beyond a fan – I think primarily in Simpsons references (only old school though Seasons 1-9). Favorite quote – so hard to choose! But I'd probably have to give it Bart: I can't promise I'll try, but I'll try to try. I'll be there! You can find me running in a million directions. My favorite memory would have to be the violinist who opened the 2017 keynotes – Purple Rain! – and the therapy dogs in the exhibit hall this year. But beyond the fun stuff, seeing all the builders so excited for learning new Quick Base skills. It's awesome! That I am much better at discovery and app planning that I am at app building, and that's ok! I really enjoy it – maybe it comes from my event planning gene! ------------------------------ Alison Hunt Senior Marketing Manager, Customer Events Quick Base ------------------------------3Views0likes1Comment