Forum Discussion

ben_simon's avatar
Community Manager
12 months ago

Boston Qrew Meetup Follow Up

๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿ‘‹Hello all๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿ‘‹

It was great to see you all on Thursday! Thank you @Tammie King for being such a gracious host! The view from your office is incredible, and the pizza from Market Basket was as good as advertised! And thank you @Josh Miller for presenting your experiences on scaling Quickbase. 

I've attached the slide deck we used at our meeting to this post. 

A few things I'd love to see out of this Qrew...

1) When do we want to do this again? 

2) What's the format we should use? I've seen a few other Qrews have a member do a short presentation on a recent Quickbase feature they've tried to use in their apps. It allows other members to comment on their own experiences and work through best ways to deploy said feature. Anyone interested in doing this with a Pipeline? Or new forms? Or Formula Queries? 

@Tammie King and @Neil Beschle, I'll look to you two to lead the above and see if we can keep this thing rolling. There are so many amazing Quickbase experts in the Boston area, we should absolutely figure out the best way to make this Qrew Group a great resource for those local to Boston. 

I look forward to watching this group grow! If anyone wants to meet with me, please feel free to schedule a call in my Calendly (below). I'm always looking for ways to improve The Qrew. Here's a few photos that I took from our meetup!


Ben Simon

Do you have Feedback on how to make Qrew Discussions a better experience? Let's chat!

2 Replies

  • Glad to see you made it back home safely. Thanks again Josh for a great presentation, you are doing great things with governance and it shows!

    Thank you to everyone who took the brave step to attend our inaugural event. 
    We had a great discussion about what our future meetings will look like.
    I definitely feel we should keep a monthly meeting. We can certainly do every other month virtual. 

    A sample Agenda would be:

    • Welcome
    • Quickbase Product Demo - Invite Quickbase Rep Monthly in person/virtual
    • Butterflies and Mosquitos (Things we love and things that bug us)
    • Review Bugs and Upcoming Fixes - Qrew Exclusive (In person meetings only)
    • Quick Tips and Tricks (5 min)
    • Challenge Us -
      • Bring your biggest headache and let us help you brainstorm it and offer ideas to solve
    • New Ideas
    • Wrap up - Plan next month's Theme
      Some Upcoming Theme Ideas (New Forms, Pipelines, Advanced Formulas, Jinja, Documenting Apps, Collecting Feedback & More)
    • Upcoming Dates:
      • November 9th - virtual
      • December 7th
      • January 4th - virtual
      • February 8th
      • March 7th - virtual
      • April 4th
      • May 9th - virtual
      • June 6th
      • July 11th - virtual
      • August 8th
      • September 5th - virtual

    Leave a comment and let us know how we can shape these meetings to benefit you.

    Tammie King
  • I like the idea of meeting bi-monthly with a virtual event in between.

    I like the idea of focused presentation of a specific tip or trick better than reviewing an entire app.  When someone reviews a full app, it usually doesn't apply to my business in total but there are specific capabilities that would be helpful to apply.

    People may be able to pose specific problems and then someone volunteers to show how they solved it.  (Mostly likely there will be more than one solution.)

    Great meeting all of you last week!

    Steve Howard