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Strange Problem with Button to mark check box
I've used this same concept in multiple places and they work correctly. I have a couple of apps, and the current app is giving me a strange error message. I'm hoping someone can give me advice on handling this. Code from Button: var text url = URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() & "?a=API_EditRecord" & "&rid=" & [Record ID#] & "&apptoken=d7s84zwcx5qf79csb72q6wrdjkd" & "&_fid_20=1" & "&rdr=" & //redirect parameter //URLEncode(""); URL meaning URLEncode(URLRoot()&"db/"&"bug9w4puk"&"?a=er&rid=" & [Related Invoice Header]); // Takes them to the invoice header in view mode, dr is view mode er is edit mode "<a class='Vibrant Primary' style=\"width:160px; text-align: center;\" href='" & $url & "'>Select for Pay</a>" Error code being received: <qdbapi> <errtext>Invalid request - we cannot understand the URL you specified.</errtext> <errcode>102</errcode> <errdetails>ac0fb69d-e405-9558-bc99-a5a04c6ca98e:</errdetails> </qdbapi> Thank you, Paul Elliott Exteriors Utah, LLC4Views0likes0CommentsDuplicate Record & Add new/different data PIPELINE
parent table - TAKE/OFFs child table - TAKE/OFF CALCULATIONS Take/Offs create record in Take/Off Calculations using a pipeline Take/Offs FIELD [PLAN OR OPTION NAME] contains MASTER is the only field "pipelined" into the TAKE/OFF CALCULATIONS table Now, I need a PIPELINE to add 5 additional records duplicating same [PLAN OR OPTION NAME]......New records will then contain selections from multiple choice field [CALCULATION TYPE] In summary, starts with this record: TEST.PLAN.MASTER - no data in CALCULATION TYPE field Need: TEST.PLAN.MASTER with selection from Calculation Type field - WALLS.INTERIOR and TEST.PLAN.MASTER with selection from Calculation Type field - CEILING.INTERIOR and TEST.PLAN.MASTER with selection from Calculation Type field - WALLS EXTERIOR and ETC thank you3Views0likes0CommentsSeptember Manufacturing Qrew Meetup Recap
Hello Manufacturing Qrew! Thank you all who were able to attend Wednesday’s Manufacturing Qrew Meetup. Here’s a quick recap of the meeting: Scott Galloway, Sr. Manager – Solutions Architect, shared how to plan and build with App Scalability in mind. He used fun analogies on how to build solutions horizontally for various business use cases. Below is a screenshot from the presentation that describes instances where scaling horizontally makes the most sense. There are exceptions to the rule, but Scott mentioned that if you score in the medium to high range in these categories, planning for scalability will be critical to its performance. 3. Scott also mentioned tools customer can use such as performance insights, performance analyzer, and governance scorecard to monitor and help plan for scaling and optimal performance. We’re here to help! Reach out to your AE and CSM to discuss the tools mentioned above or share you interest in partnering with Scott’s Solution Architect team for guidance. Click here to learn more about app scalability and improving performance. Missed out on the meeting? Here’s the recording and password: 7x?HvEj8 Our next meeting will be on Wednesday October 2 nd . If you have a topic you’d like to discuss at our next meeting, please let me know.Pipeline Jinja url decode
In a Pipeline, you can use the Jinja urlencode filter to encode a value that needs to be safely encoded for use somewhere else. However, how can you use the URL Decode function? I am used to Python, JavaScript, and other languages where you can easily use a URL Decode function. In fact, it seems in the full subset of Jinja filters or function, there actually IS a urldecode but that Quickbase hasn't implemented it in their build of Jinja for Pipelines. Any ideas? Desired: {{a.json.url | urldecode}}15Views0likes1CommentButton that adds record #2 from record #1 in same table ... but returning to record #1 after save.
After save, I want to stay on Record # 2 , not return to Record #1 which is what's happening now with code below. Here is my code (I am pre-populating some values in Record #2 from Record #1). The button resides and is clicked in Record # 1. URLRoot() & "db/" & [_Table Name] & "?a=API_GenAddRecordForm&_fid_265=" & URLEncode ([Costing Assigned To]) & "&_fid_268="&URLEncode([Pricing Assigned To]) Note: there is no redirect in my code.66Views0likes26CommentsSample Data not reflecting Default Value (Field Properties, Numeric-Currency)
I am entering a default value, but the sample data is not reporting and when viewing outside of Field Properties, shows blank. I have this function working on two other similar fields, but this one refuses to update. If I can provide any more information, please let me know.Solved10Views0likes2CommentsRealm Admin Qrew Group Recap
Hello Realm Admin Qrew! Thank you to everyone who was able to attend Tuesday’s Realm Admin Qrew Meetup! It was jam packed with lots of information and updates from our product team, and great feedback from the audience. Here’s a recap of what happened: Rayna Stoycheva, product manager, did a quick recap of the ALM, QBL, and Solutions API that’s currently being piloted. If you weren’t at Empower, this was an abbreviated version of what was rolled out at the time. You can watch the full version here. Ventsi Tasev, Product Manager, made a huge announcement that is exclusive for Qrew members! The ALM Solutioning beta is now open to customers with a Business license or higher and you do not need to have a services or enablement package get it set up and supported. In the past, it was only available to enterprise customers to try. To take part in the beta, please reach out to me or Ben Simon and we can connect you to the appropriate channels. Drew Ditto, Principle Software Engineer, shared an Solutions API to Github use case that dazzled the audience! If you missed it, Here’s the recording to our meeting. Password: e==nX611 And finally, I have a set of questions I would like to ask of the group from our Enablement Program Manager, Kate Barefoot: What obstacles might prevent you from using our Solution feature set to perform ALM in the platform? What concerns might stakeholders have about implementing Quickbase ALM? How can we address these challenges and concerns effectively so that it makes sense to adopt ALM, Solutions API, and QBL at your organization? The goal is to understand your genuine feeling on the ALM solutions, continue to invest in improving these tools, and grow its adoption among customers. Feel free to respond with your answers directly back to me and I’ll be able to share those over. If you’d rather book a meeting and talk, we can do that as well. Anyone got a good governance use case or topic they would like for us to cover next month? Ping me and let me know so I can start planning out the next agenda for the October 1 st Realm Admin Qrew Meetup. Thank you for your time and have a great afternoon!6Views0likes0CommentsAugust Portland Qrew Meetup Notes
Attendees: Lee Gilmore, Jen Clark, Jim Harrison, Jonathan Moreno-Farias, Elena Larabee, Tammi King The meeting started by sharing what we have been working on this month. Jen is working on building a mobile experience for her field Users in FastField forms. She is hoping for Address fields in place of latitude longitude coordinates and also the ability to perform calculations in the forms. I am working on the testing the beta version of Document Template. I shared what the tool can and cannot do and areas where they are making improvements. Elena continues to work on making an automation for importing Pipelines across apps. The current challenge is how to replace the slug automatically. One discovery she shared was in place of the slug one can use quickbase[default] which fills in the default Pipelines connector token for the App when the Pipeline is imported. It's not a foolproof solution due to security issues with using the default token. It could work to exhibit a proof of concept. Sadly Lee did not join us in person as he wasn't feeling well. On top of that the Internet at Lees house was acting up. Because of these two factors, we didn't get an update from Lee. He did hang out and was able to hear what we discussed so hopefully he got some good cheer from our conversation. Tammie continues to work on the photoshoot app for her company. The App uses the EOTI method allowing Customers to request and appointment. Automaton then sets up the schedule in an internal App based upon the Photographers calendar. Once the shoot is scheduled, automation duplicates the schedule to the EOTI App. Finally the App sends a calendar invite to the Customer. Scheduling is a complex system with many moving parts. On top of building this process she also has to work with Microsoft Exchange and Outlook where there are constraints from IT. Jonathan is new to the Harder team and decided to join the meetup to listen in and decide if he is interested in future events. Next we talked about Pizza. There is a difference between West Coast compared to East of the Mississippi Pizza. Being from the Chicagoland area originally I have my opinion. Tammie also shared her experience with a local market in the Boston area that by the sound of it is a good place to get pizza when in Boston. Before we ended the meeting we talked about Empower Pro plans. I will see if we can arrange for an in-person event and will update the Portland Qrew in the coming weeks. After the event we headed to Izakaya Kichinto for Ramen and a conversation around good sci-fi fantasy TV shows to watch.Formula field to pull selected pending items from checkmark fields
Hello. I have a report/table that has about 32 items that it can have concerns for. I want to see if its possible to have a field where it can let you know which items are pending from all 32 options without manually having to do Multiselect field or scroll all the way down the reports just to see which ones have been selected. Not sure if a formula field can work or would it be a pipeline?26Views0likes7CommentsApp Archive Strategies
Does anyone have a way that they save/archive their app structure/build before deleting an app? I'm doing some clean-up in our realm, and we have a bunch of old, unused apps. I want to archive/delete them, but I'm thinking of the off chance someone comes back and says "remember that app we had? can we get something like that again?". I'm thinking I could use the new solutions APIs to get the QBL exported, but that doesn't support reports, forms, pipelines, etc. yet. Just curious what others' app archive strategies are!12Views0likes4Comments