Recent Discussions
Huge Oversight with New Forms?
Hi, Maybe I'm missing something, but I just ran into an error with the new forms and am baffled as to how we are about 7 months into the new forms and this error exists. I've setup a very basic parent-child relationship. When I go to add children records from the parent, it is incapable of chain-adding records (i.e. Save + New). When I try to do so, it only relates the first child to the parent record. All subsequent records are parentless. The only way around this is to Save & Close and add from the parent directly.. Then on top of this, when I'm done adding children and go to save the parent record, it redirects me to add another child record (???). I'm really hoping this is my own incomptence, but it's rather frustrating to find this out many hours into a project. Thanks for any guidance/help! ------------------------------ Curtis Middleton ------------------------------1like7CommentsFormula question
Hi all, I am working on an app that calculates loans including deferred loans. Right now, if someone has not paid for a long time and the payment is less than the interest owed, the principle comes back as a negative number rather than a zero. (Current formula is payment amount-interest=principle). I need to make the formula show that there should never be a negative number for principle - just a zero if the amount paid is less than total interest owed. How can I limit the results to not get a negative number? ------------------------------ Jesse Edsell-Vetter ------------------------------0likes6CommentsImporting file attachment from Outlook to Quickbase
I get a daily email in Outlook with a file attachment, is there a way I can get that file attachment automatically imported into Quickbase? I am able to connect/link my Outlook and Quickbase account and I see the email when I refresh in Quickbase, I just don't see a way of getting the file attachment imported automatically or at all. Derek ------------------------------ Derek Pipal ------------------------------0likes8CommentsHow to force summary report to always show duration field total in hours
I have a summary report that will total the duration of events by year. When the number of hours are greater than 24, it gives the total in days. I want the total to always be in hours. Is there a way to force showing the value in hours? Further context. This is an app to track continued-education/training requirements. The requirements for the various certifications and licenses are always given in hours. When you enter a training course or event, you enter the time in hours. I want to see the total in hours as that makes it easier to determine progress towards the required hours.0likes2CommentsPassing images to gmail from QB gmail pipeline channel.
I have a QB rich text field which I am placing in the gmail pipeline channel body field. All of the rich text is appearing in gmail sends except for the images. The gmail is not recognizing the image even if the image URL is on a public domain. Any ideas how to get an image to appear in gmail via this channel?0likes0CommentsSide Bar Navigation SUCKS.
Am I to understand that top navigation is going to be permanently moved to side navigation beginning in 2025? If so, that is one really dumb move. We have ALOT of reports that are designed to fit on the screen exactly as they are. Now they will all have a horizontal scroll bar which makes it an unnecessary waste of time having to scroll left to right to see the entire report. Why do you guys arbitrarily change stuff nobody really asked for? And why don't you just give us the option to stay with what we are comfortable with. Removing choices in preference is really stupid.0likes1CommentPipeline to write to Google Spreadsheet triggered by spreadsheet import
So I've been testing writing QB to a Google Sheet whenever a record gets created. Tried testing when a spreadsheet is imported as that is how our users create records, but the pipeline triggers everytime each record is created which can sometimes create a bottleneck and some of the data not being transfered. In summary: ~100 excel lines imported - > ~100 records created all at once > Pipeline to transfer to Google gets triggered that many times within seconds -> bottleneck ->error -> Google Sheets missing some lines Is there a way to trigger the pipeline only once when a spreadsheet is created and loop through the records imported one by one? Or could I keep the first model and incorporate the Clock channel to ensure each one finished writing before the pipeline is called again somehow? Thanks0likes5CommentsGantt plugin: tasks with fractional start and end values
Hi all I'm using the Gantt plugin to manage task with short durations (hours). The Gantt plugin allows me to move e resize tasks so the start and end are given as dates and times. But the start and date fields on the Tasks table are Date fields, not DateTime fields. I need to get more detailed info from my tasks, but I don't know were the fractional start ad date info is stored. Lets suppose, for example, a task starting at a given date and time, and ending at a given date and time. If I move the task by a few hours, in a way that it stays on the same dates, and go to the currespondent record on the Tasks table, I see that the "Date modified" field does not change, meaning the record was not updated. If I move (or resize) the task so the start or end date change, the "Date modified" field gets updated. So, in summary, the question is: on which table is the fractional info (time) for tasks start and end is stored on my app? Thanks! Jose0likes1CommentQuickbase for Tracking Training
Hello Quickbase Community! Does anyone use Quickbase as a way to track completed and upcoming training? Would love to see how you all are using it for this function. I know LMS systems do this, but different groups in our company use different LMS systems for regulatory reasons. We are looking to keep all of the safety training in one spot for this reason. Thanks! Amber0likes1Comment