syntax help with formula
I am making a formula and I am having trouble with syntax I want the statement to say If([Sale]="Yes", than show [Manifest Price] but if ([sale]="cancelled" show 0.00) I need the syntax for "than show" "and but if" Edit I got some of that formula to work If([Sale]="yes",[Manifest price w/o iva],([Sale]="Cancel"),(0)) all it give me is the Cancel ones at 0 The manifest price one is blank Edit - Solved by AI Chatgpt If(Trim([Sale])="Yes",[Manifest price w/o iva],Trim([Sale])="Cancel",0,0)//Default value if[Sale]is neither "yes"nor "cancel"29Views0likes5CommentsA form button that will force record add on a specific form.
I have a tasks table, but I want to allow users to enter simple tasks or complex tasks. One form for simple tasks and another for complex tasks. This works for complex tasks and is the default form for all roles. URLRoot() & "db/" & [_DBID_TASKS] & "?a=API_GenAddRecordForm&_fid_145=" & URLEncode ([Project Number])& "&z=" & Rurl() I am trying this one for simple tasks, but it still loads the complex tasks form (ID=11) even though the URL says form ID 16. URLRoot() & "db/" & [_DBID_TASKS] & "?a=API_GenAddRecordForm&_fid_16=" & URLEncode ([Project Number])& "&z=" & Rurl() Also, this latter one is not loading the related project like the first one does. There has to be a simple way to load form 16 even though it is not the default for all roles.20Views0likes2CommentsReport Formula - Combine some, exclude some, and include others.
I have a field [Types]. there can be A, B, C, D, E, or F. I need a summary report about these [Types] but the output needs to show, A, B, C+D, and exclude E and F. I'm using filters to exclude E and F. So I'm trying to use the Report Formula to create a new field [Performance] and using an If statement to say: if( [Type]="A","A", [Type]="B","B", [Type]="C","G", [Type]="D","G") The hope was that by renaming C and D to G, it would add those counts together when I add this Report Formula to the Column Group. but its only adding "C" not "D". Is this possible and I just have the wrong formula, or am I just going about this all the wrong way? Thanks, ASolved22Views0likes3CommentsDelete Formula Button Error
Hello, I have a URL Formula field I created that I'm trying to use as a Delete button on one of my tables, but I keep getting this "A formula cannot end with an assignment to a variable declaration." error message when I try saving it. The formula I am using is this: var text Delete = URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() & "?a=API_DeleteRecord&apptoken=*XXXXXXX*=" & [Record ID#]; Does anybody know what I should change? Please let me know.Solved20Views0likes2CommentsTime Zone change
Good morning, I am building a Transportation application for my team to use. When we request a pickup time from our transportation vendor, it is always in central time since we are based in Texas. Can QB convert the central time to local time based on my selected city? For example, I have an employee who needs to be picked up at LAX at 10 a.m. Pacific time, but we can only enter 12 p.m. Central time. How can I build a formula in QB that will convert noon central to 10 AM when I select LAX as a city? The same goes for all the cities we service. How can I make sure Daylight savings are accounted for? I have attached a spreadsheet of the cities we service regarding their summer and winter times.29Views0likes4CommentsQR Code to form
I am trying to Make a QR Code Using the formula I have made one that will take me to the inventory part. Is it possible to have it take me directly to making child record ( Inventory Usage ) form for that record??? its setup as Inventory > Inventory Usage i would like to have a binder with all the parts that can be scanned to "Check out" the part(s) and take the user directly to the form so they can deplete the inventory. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.12Views0likes0CommentsGenerate a number
Hello I would like to make a unit number self generate Example 1000-(001,002,003) as more records are created.. is there a way to do this function? where it will generate the unit number based off the last record? Im a still pretty new to QB. Do I need to make the first record from there then ref that field in the max ID and add +1 to it?22Views0likes1CommentIf Then Else formula with a multi select field.
Help Please. I have a multi-select field that has the options of Mail, Email and Dept to Initiate. Mail and Email can both be options. In that case, I want it to display "Mail and Email". But if just mail, "Mail, if just email, "email", etc. However I can't seem to get it work correctly. it does show both. Then will show just Mail, but when Email is selected it still shows Mail. I've looked at this so long and tried to refigure it that at this point is probably glaringly obvious, but I just can't see it. This is the current formula I have: var text Receipt=If(Contains(ToText([License Master - Renewals Received via:]),"Mail, Email")=true, "Mail and Email", Contains(ToText([Renewals Received via:]),"Mail, Email")=true,"Mail and Email", Contains(ToText([License Master - Renewals Received via:]),"Mail"), "Mail", Contains(ToText([Renewals Received via:]),"Mail"), "Mail", Contains(ToText([License Master - Renewals Received via:]),"Email"), "Email", Contains(ToText([Renewals Received via:]),"Email"), "Email", Contains(ToText([License Master - Renewals Received via:]),"Dept to initiate"), "Dept. to Initiate", Contains(ToText([Renewals Received via:]),"Dept to initiate"), "Dept. to Initiate"); "<span style='font-size:18px;color:#1E90FF;white-space:nowrap'><b>"&$Receipt&"</b></span><br>";Solved27Views0likes2CommentsAdd button to create record in different app
Hello, I'm trying to create a button that will direct users to a different app to create a new record in the other app. The database ID for the other app is buwc5yqwz The table ID in the other app is bupbavsbm The related field in the other app is 38 I've searched the community and attempted some examples that others tried but converting them from edit a record to adding a record, but I'm not getting anywhere. What I have attempted so far gives a Page unrecognized error. Attempt1: URLRoot() & "/db/buwc9wxmb" & "=API_GenAddRecordForm&_fid_38=" & [Record ID#] &"&z=" & Rurl() Attempt2: ""& URLEncode() Do I need to add a token? Thank you!Solved29Views1like2Commentsformula help "if statement"
I want to do something like the below but I am unsure of the all the syntax for or that part is yellow. Can someone help me so this I tried "" If([Salesroom]="Playa Grande",[# of people in party]+1*7.81) or([Salesroom])="GS Landsend", "Pacific Dunes",[# of people in party]+1*9.63 Thank youSolved24Views0likes2Comments