If Then Else formula with a multi select field.
Help Please. I have a multi-select field that has the options of Mail, Email and Dept to Initiate. Mail and Email can both be options. In that case, I want it to display "Mail and Email". But if just mail, "Mail, if just email, "email", etc. However I can't seem to get it work correctly. it does show both. Then will show just Mail, but when Email is selected it still shows Mail. I've looked at this so long and tried to refigure it that at this point is probably glaringly obvious, but I just can't see it. This is the current formula I have: var text Receipt=If(Contains(ToText([License Master - Renewals Received via:]),"Mail, Email")=true, "Mail and Email", Contains(ToText([Renewals Received via:]),"Mail, Email")=true,"Mail and Email", Contains(ToText([License Master - Renewals Received via:]),"Mail"), "Mail", Contains(ToText([Renewals Received via:]),"Mail"), "Mail", Contains(ToText([License Master - Renewals Received via:]),"Email"), "Email", Contains(ToText([Renewals Received via:]),"Email"), "Email", Contains(ToText([License Master - Renewals Received via:]),"Dept to initiate"), "Dept. to Initiate", Contains(ToText([Renewals Received via:]),"Dept to initiate"), "Dept. to Initiate"); "<span style='font-size:18px;color:#1E90FF;white-space:nowrap'><b>"&$Receipt&"</b></span><br>";Solved12Views0likes2CommentsAdd button to create record in different app
Hello, I'm trying to create a button that will direct users to a different app to create a new record in the other app. The database ID for the other app is buwc5yqwz The table ID in the other app is bupbavsbm The related field in the other app is 38 I've searched the community and attempted some examples that others tried but converting them from edit a record to adding a record, but I'm not getting anywhere. What I have attempted so far gives a Page unrecognized error. Attempt1: URLRoot() & "/db/buwc9wxmb" & "=API_GenAddRecordForm&_fid_38=" & [Record ID#] &"&z=" & Rurl() Attempt2: "https://xxxxx.quickbase.com/nav/app/buwc5yqwz/table/buwc9wxmb/action/nwr?a=cr&rid=new&field38="& URLEncode() Do I need to add a token? Thank you!Solved13Views0likes2Commentsformula help "if statement"
I want to do something like the below but I am unsure of the all the syntax for or that part is yellow. Can someone help me so this I tried "" If([Salesroom]="Playa Grande",[# of people in party]+1*7.81) or([Salesroom])="GS Landsend", "Pacific Dunes",[# of people in party]+1*9.63 Thank youSolved21Views0likes2CommentsFormula help with multiple choices
I thought I saved the one I added so if this is duplicate I apologize, I could not find my original. I want to have a formula field that says this but the , between Pacific Dunes 2 and [#of people in party}+1*9.63 is turning yellow and I have tried ( ) and,, but I can't get this to work. It tells me its expecting a comma If(Contains([Salesroom]="Pacific Dunes 1","Pacific Dunes 2", [# of people in party]+1*9.63) What I would ultimately like is If(Contains([Salesroom]="Pacific Dunes 1","Pacific Dunes 2", and GSlandsend [# of people in party]+1*9.63) or If[Saleroom]="Playa Grande" [#ofpeopleinparty]+1*7.81) that way I only have to have one field instead of 3 fields - I have two of the fields working like this If(([Salesroom])="GS Landsend", [# of people in party]+1*9.63) But as soon as I add more salesroom it doesn't like it Thank you so much Edit I was wrong its not even multiplying correctly so there is something wrong in the *9.63 or *7.81 Example - column # of people 3 and then plus 1 would be 28.89 but its coming out a weird number of 11.63 ?? I actually got it to add correctly by If(([Salesroom])="GS Landsend", [# of people in party]*9.63)+9.6349Views1like8CommentsHow to color code a table based on a forumla field?
I have a report I created where Days Remaining is a formula: -(ToDays(Today() - ToDate([Due Date]))) I want to color code the table such that Days Remaining = 5 -> Red Days Remaining = 5-10 -> Yellow Days Remaining = 10+ -> Green Days Remaining = Negative Number -> Purple But I can't figure out how to use the results of the field formula in a formula in the color code area. TIA21Views0likes1Commentiframe header question
I have successfully embedded the iframe in the attached image in the volunteer site for a not-for-profit. I wondering if there is any way to remove the native "save" button and/or the entire QB title bar. I want the form to seem like the typical web form, so I would prefer to only use the custom submit button. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.22Views0likes3CommentsFile Manager Plugin Passing Data to the Child Records
Hello, I'm looking to use QuickBase's File Manager Plugin, but was wondering if anyone had found a way to be able to pass additional data into the child records that were created. For example, if I could pass on what "kind" of file it was (like Signed Request, Invoice, etc.) into a child table field.Solved23Views0likes2CommentsCalculating number of days between two date fields
This is probably a super easy question but I am rusty and nothing I am trying is working and all the discussions I am finding are asking for more complicated formulas. I simply need to calculate the number of days between 2 date fields on a record?Solved26Views0likes3CommentsChecking for missing information in a form
Is there any way to translate this logic into a QuickBase formula? I'm relatively new to QuickBase so I'm still learning its capabilities, forgive me if some or all of this is outside of the realm of what QuickBase can do. This feels like a complex one, but I'm hoping it's not as complex as I think it is. Here is my logic broken down: We would only be testing for active clients. We have a client-tier text field that tells us if a client is active. AND We would be testing for clients where no files are uploaded in their "Files" form. Is there a formula I can use to test for empty "Files" forms in an active clients page? I know you can test for empty fields in QuickBase - is there a way to test for empty/missing forms? OR We would only be testing for active clients. We have a client-tier text field that tells us if a client is active. AND We would be testing for cases where there may be files uploaded, but none are marked as Consent Docs. We currently utilize a check-box formula field to automatically recognize if a file is a consent document based on its file description. Is there some way to look at the client's file uploads in the aggregate and determine that none of the files are marked as consent documents? I thought maybe we could utilize that checkbox field to flag that the only files uploaded on a client's page are not marked as consent documents, therefore, the client is missing their consent documents. Thanks! Best, Abby :)13Views0likes1Comment[Snippet] How we Stop Backdating Entries from user
Starting a new series on sharing some knowledge. We have a simple app where we ask users to do production entries from shop floor daily in date , capturing it in [Production Date] We only wanted backdated entries for 1 day , so if today is 21 February 2025, entry for 20 Feb 2025 is allowed. Here's how we achieved it. Below is a Formula Field called Validations. var date decide = If(IsNull([Record ID#]),Today(),ToDate([Date Created])); var number daydiff= ($decide-[Production Date])/Days(1); If($daydiff<0,"You cannot do entry for future", $daydiff>1,"You cannot do entry for past","OK") We then went to Settings->Advance Settings-> Custom Rules - Turn ON If( [Validation]<>"OK",[Validation] )26Views2likes4Comments