Create a button that gets the UserID for the user in a user field and then write that information to a field in the same record
Hello Quick Base Community. I am wanting to get the UserID for a user with the click of a button. Using the API_GetUserInfo, I can pull the UserID, copy it and then paste it somewhere, but what I would like to do is click a button that will get the UserID and then write it to a field in the record that I am on. Really the question is, is it possible to call an api and then perform an action using data that is returned from the initial api call? I assume that this wouldn't be a problem using scripting but I would like to know if it is possible natively within Quick Base. Thanks!64Views1like7CommentsURL button to add new record and then go to that record
Hi everyone, I feel really silly asking this, but I can't figure out how to use a URL button to add a new record and then simply go to the newly added record. This is what I have currently. And, the only reason I'm using API_AddRecord instead of API_GenAddRecordForm is because I can't get it to set field 18 to what I want, but for whatever reason it does work with AddRecord. URLRoot() & "db/" & [_DBID_CREW_TIME_RECORDS] & "?a=API_AddRecord" & "&_fid_18=" & Now() & "&apptoken=cynqae3bygzqysbuufhnqczijtxn" & "&rdr="&URLEncode(URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() & "?a=doredirect&z=" & Rurl()) Thank you! ------------------------------ Elena Larrabee ------------------------------161Views0likes6Commentsdistance between two addresses
I am trying to calculate the distance between two addresses. I put the below formula in but came up with a distance of 5000 and it should be 3. var number OriginLat = [LatitudeVendor]; var number OriginLong = [LongitudeVendor]; var number DestLat = [LatitudePlant]; var number DestLong = [LongitudePlant]; var number Distance = Round(((69*($OriginLat - $DestLat))^2 + (53*($OriginLong - $DestLong))^2)^0.5); If($OriginLat =0 or $DestLat=0,0,$Distance) ------------------------------ Sarah Burres ------------------------------156Views0likes18CommentsUsing Pipelines instead of Copy Master Detail
Has anyone used pipelines instead of the Copy Master Detail feature to automate the process? Would like to use a trigger rather than requiring users to press a button. Thanks!! ------------------------------ Christine White ------------------------------153Views0likes10CommentsNeed a button to view current record in a different form
*Edited* I am looking to create a button on the main form that when clicked will Save the current record form and then show the info in that current record in a different form? I have tried the auto save when navigating away function. It doesn't establish the Record ID# so the formula showing the current form also shows in the newly opened form. ------------------------------ Chris Swirtz ------------------------------67Views0likes7CommentsRouting User to Different Form Based on Field Value
Hello, I have a process where users view a case file and work the file. We have grown so now we have several different types of case file and need to use a different form for each file type. I can imagine several ways to do this, but none are clean. Below is a list of what we tried. We tried using an iframe that linked to a formula url field, this worked except is displays the QB header twice and limits the screen size (iframes are apparently not responsive in QB). We tried using one "mega-form" with conditionals, but we hit the embedded report limit and certain fields need to be on multiple forms which QB disallows. We tried creating a different table for each file type but that breaks QB search widget (search widget can only search 1 table at a time). The best solution we found was to create a rich text field that displayed a link to the various case type forms, but then we lose the functionality of the edit and view buttons that display on every report and the search widget. Are there any other solutions to this issue? Edit: The real issue seems to be QB does not support building code at the routing stage of the application. Is this common web application functionality being considered for a future update? ------------------------------ Justin Ferris ------------------------------125Views0likes4CommentsRedirect to Previous Page Upon "Save" on Mobile App
Hello, I am experiencing an issue in the Quick Base mobil app that differs from Quick Base within a browser. I have a Projects Table and a Tasks table. Within each Project record is a project schedule, which is a calendar report of all Tasks associated with the project. When I click a task on the calendar to edit, the Task opens (in the Task table.) When I save the edits, the Task saves and the Task page refreshes in "View" mode. I need the page to redirect back to the Project record. In a browser, the normal behavior is that the Task redirects back to the Project record when the task is saved, but on the mobile app the Task record refreshed in "View" mode. Is there a setting that would take care of this? Thanks! ------------------------------ Josh Collins ------------------------------50Views1like2CommentsCopy Text Field to Clipboard
Hi All, I'm trying to add a new button that would copy the text of a field to my clipboard. I've seen posts about this from the past, but they all use JavaScript, and I get the "Only text, Quickbase-accepted functions, fields, variables, and certain HTML tags are allowed in this field. JavaScript is not supported" error when I try saving. Does anyone know how to do this today? Thanks, ------------------------------ Daniel Johnson ------------------------------101Views0likes10CommentsScanning including a Save and Add Another
I have a use case where the goal is to very quickly scan bar codes into a Quick Base table. The desired workflow is to be sitting on an Add Record form and have the scan also cause the form to save and refresh into the Save and Add Another page, without the user having to click the save button. Does anyone have a native or non native way to do this? ------------------------------ Mark Shnier (YQC) Quick Base Solution Provider Your Quick Base Coach ------------------------------50Views0likes12CommentsURL button to populate a field with the current user
Hi There, I currently have a url button that populates a certain field with the user that last modified the record. I need some help to change it from the user the last modified the record to the current user that pushes the button. is there anyway to modify the below for the above requirement? var text URL = URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() & "?act=API_EditRecord&rid=" & [Record ID#] & "&_fid_30=" & URLEncode([Last Modified By]); "javascript:" & "$.get('" & $URL & "',function(){" & "location.reload(true);" & "});" & "void(0);"215Views1like12Comments