Audit Log
Hello, Currently I utilize an audit log table which when viewing the form you see many sections which are divided by tables. Within each section, I have at least 3 fields: [field_name old], [field_name new], [field_name updated]. Now one section (table) may have 8 fields that I want to track, which then requires me to create 24 fields. This is not practical, but it does work. My question. Is there a way to create an audit log with only a handful of fields: [field name] , [table name] , [old value] , [new value] , [updated value]. Then have a pipeline which triggers on specified fields when modified, and create a record for each* field modified. So if I am trying to track 3 fields, and someone modifies those 3 fields. A pipeline is triggered and 3 records are created on this new simplified audit log. Hope my vision makes sense. I've been told, and often say myself, if you can say it out loud, it can be done in Quickbase. This one though is a doozy. Any suggestions?Solved130Views0likes5CommentsAudit Logs
I am trying to use the audit log feature, and have marked certain fields to be tracked for audit purposes. Am I able to search that field, in particular, to if and when someone has changed it? Or can I only search by a user/app? ------------------------------ Mike Tamoush ------------------------------36Views0likes5CommentsAudit Log table of which User deleted a record.
I know how to make an Automation or a Pipeline to create an Audit Log of changes to records and which user made the change. But is there a way to capture which user deleted a record? The [Last Modified by] remains as the "Last Modified by" and not which User did the deletion. ------------------------------ Mark Shnier (YQC) Quick Base Solution Provider Your Quick Base Coach ------------------------------100Views0likes4CommentsAudit Functionality
We currently have 2 issues that our external auditors are hung up on: 1. There is no audit on user role changes 2. There is no audit on report changes Does anyone know a workaround solution for either of these 2 issues? ------------------------------ Amber Goodman ------------------------------7Views0likes0CommentsAudit Log Size has doubled
Just went to download the Audit Logs for the Week and find the size has doubled from <100MB to >200MB. Cloudflare doesn't like files larger than 100MB so I am back to splitting data sets. Annoyed. ------------------------------ Jim Harrison transparency = knowledge + understanding : The Scrum Dudes ------------------------------16Views0likes1CommentIs there a way to track who modified a specific field being changed?
Is there a way to track who modified a specific field being changed? I have a a check box called "Checked In". I would like to be able to see which user selected this option and when it was done so it could be referenced later if needed. There may be other changes in the form that could occur after the "check In' box was selected so i can not relay on the "last modified by" remarks on the bottom of the form to specifically provide accurate details as to who changed the specific checkbox once other fields are edited in the future.109Views1like6CommentsIs there a way to track users' time spent or actions taken in QuickBase?
Is there a way to track users' time spent or actions taken in QuickBase? The end goal here is to see how much time active users spend in QuickBase so we can better manage users and optimize business process. Please advise :) ------------------------------ Davy Ou ------------------------------76Views0likes5CommentsTrack Changes to Formula Fields
I have two questions: First, is there any way to track who made changes to the formula in a formula field? For example. if the original formula was If([field}, "condition1", "condition2") and another user changes the formula to If([field}, "condition2", "condition1") . Is there any way to track who made the change? Second Question: If a field or table name is changed, would it change any values inside of quotation marks in a formula. For example, suppose Table1 has a field named Field1. If Table1 is renamed to Table2 or Field1 is changed to Field 2 would either of those changes change the values between the quotation marks in a formula like If([Field1] = "Table1 type", "Condition1", "Condition2"). I strongly suspect I know the answer to this, but want confirmation. ------------------------------ Paul Peterson ------------------------------17Views0likes2CommentsTracking Changes
I searched prior discussions before posting this, so I apologize if it's a duplication. If it is just refer me to the prior article. Anyhow, I have a table with 45 fields, any of which could change. I'd like to keep an audit trail of changes to records for any of the previously mentioned fields. How would I set it up so I can bring awareness to which field changed and perhaps what the old value was and now the new value? I want my clients to be able to pull reports of any changes based on a particular record ID. Thanks, ------------------------------ Michael Sargent ------------------------------25Views1like5Comments