App-to-App Permissions/Relationships
Hello! I am building my second app and trying to tie it into my first -- it feels like it wants to be separate because the users who will primarily use this app are from another department, but there is a lot of collaborative/universal information in my existing app I'd like to be able to share between the two apps, though there's too much in my initial app that the other department should not have access to, so creating a whole separate space for them and feeding in the pieces I do want shared access to feels like the best way, rather than bring them into my existing app and cull back their access. To that -- A) does that logic track properly? And B) Do they need a relationship to every table I watn them to access, including grandparent tables? I wanted them to see some grandparent info, and I notice when I run tests using them as a user, that since they're not in that other app, they only see throughput from the table-to-table access, and anything that's generating off a grandparent table just won't throughput for them, which is really surprising to me. Thanks! My view, and then that user's view side by side:3Views0likes0CommentsCan I create a single field that displays record owners from a child table
Hi, The use case for my application is for users to track their testing results - there is a parent table for requests and a child table for activities (i.e., test results). I am wanting to create a field within the Parent table that lists all of the people who have submitted an activity for the parent request. Any ideas?Solved23Views0likes3CommentsCalculation/Performance Limits Inquiry
Hi all, I'll try to keep this as brief as possible. I'd like to know if anyone has a similar sized application in production and if they see any performance issues as it pertains to record loading and report loading. I have an Accounts table (table A) that will have 1,500 records total at any given time. This table has 3 children tables B, C, and D with 72,000; 168,000; and 168,000 total records at any given time, respectively. These children records will all have an Account# to tie it to their parent. On table A, I need to keep up to 4 years worth of data (Current Year, Prior Year, etc.). As a result, I will need about 1,500 to 1,750 currency summary fields per year (6,000 to 7,500 in total). This number then gets doubled because Quickbase does not have a built-in way to display numbers in Accounting format, so I need an additional 6,000 to 7,500 rich text formula fields. At no point in table A should I ever need a report with more than 12 columns of calculated summary fields for all 1,500 Account records. This is the max performance need. On the forms, I plan to "only" have 6,000 to 7,500 of the 12,000 to 15,000 total fields displayed. This will be broken across 4 different tabs (hoping that improves performance) for each year of data. Then each tab will be broken into 6 sections, which can be pre-minimized if it will help load times & performance (Actuals, Budget, Forecast, Actuals VS Budget, Actuals, VS Forecast, Budget VS Forecast). This table A is my biggest concern. If you care for additional context: In addition to this, table A will be a child to table E (Summary Report Rows). There will be 12/13 total Summary Reports (table F; parent to table E), made up of about 168 table E records. To restate, the 168 records will be parents via 3 relationships to the Accounts (table A). There is 1 relationship per key/vital column in the Accounts table. These will be running calculations based on the summary field calculations in table A. I'll leave it at this for the time being to see if anyone is able to take the time to respond. At the end of the day, I've never built something with this many calculations and I'm not entirely sure on the order of operations for Quickbase when it comes to forms. Regards, CurtisSolved48Views0likes10CommentsVLOOK-UP (relationschip)
I’ve made in QB a table, where we can search on a specific code and he will give the other related masterdata (out of backtable). Problem statement: The problem here is , he can only work with 1 code (80737797) - to reflect the related masterdata, so in case we have multiple codes , we are currently not able to reflect all the codes via this way. So in this case , Code 80748492 & 80830493 aren’t able to be reflected via the “Related masterdata”-fields. Is there any potential way to have this done within the same “record ID / Line” ? Is there any other opportunity to have the same outcome , but with another workaround. I know we can go for multiple record ID’s. But this I would like to avoid as it will create confusion for our partners. Many thanks !15Views0likes1CommentI need help creating a snapshot field in a unique parent-child relationship.
In my app, there is a relationship between two tables, call them Table A and B. In table A, there is a column called batch date. For this field, we would like to create a new field based off of it called initial batch date in the same table. This would essentially be the first value that was inputted in the batch date field (that field has end users inputting a value often). From the research I have done, the best way to preserve original values is using a snapshot field. From what I understand all I have to do is add a lookup field to the child table, then create a new field for a snapshot that effectively references this lookup field. The problem is in this relationship, table A is the parent and table B is the child. How would I create a snapshot field for table A in this situation? So far I added the lookup field in table B, then I created the snapshot there, and then added it as a summary field in table A to reference the original snapshot. This did not seem to give the desired result. Any suggestions? Open to anything. Sorry if it is not super clear as I am only a few months experienced in QB. Thanks,13Views0likes1CommentChild Table Field Question
I have a table called "Crane Inspections" that is the child table of a table called "Open Crane Deficiencies". I am trying to have a way to put in deficiencies (up to 4 in one form) that are either existing (noted on previous inspections and still an issue) or new. On the crane inspection form, a crane is selected from a multiple choice field, 23 different questions are completed, then deficiencies (existing or new) are annotated at the bottom. I have a way that this works now, but I am trying to make better. Right now, I have a pipeline that triggers when a new crane deficiency is put in the form (also up to 4 new ones) and creates open deficiency records in that parent Open Crane Deficiencies table. Our maintenance department goes and works on correcting the deficiency, then closes it out which deletes the record from that table. Meanwhile, on the crane inspection form, that previous open deficiency option will no longer be one on the existing crane deficiencies multiple choice field (the table-to-table relationship field). My more ideal end state is rather than have to manually select up to 4 existing deficiencies every time an inspection is completed, I would like for the up to 4 fields to be automatically populated with the existing deficiencies from the parent table. Then some way for the inspector to confirm those are still deficiencies, or enter new ones in as I have before. Please let me know if there is any clarification needed. Any help would be greatly appreciated!32Views0likes0CommentsCan you summarize a status for a record that has multiple child records?
I have a parent table (Requests) and a child table (Activity Log) - each Request can have multiple Activities. I am trying to get a summary of the Status logged in each activity to get an understanding of the current status of the Overall Request.12Views0likes3CommentsLimit Relationship Choices based on another field..
So I have a table, Purchase Orders. That table is a one to many child of Jobs. It's also a one to many relationship of Daily Reports. Daily Reports is also a child of Jobs. What I want is for user A to login, and enter 5 POs, and link them to Jobs. Then, user B logs in and clicks the "Related Daily Report" field and it's limited to ONLY the jobs selected by user A. Is this possible?33Views0likes2CommentsMany parent records on a single child record
Hi everyone, I'm having some issues building the following: I need to build a table where a laboratory analyst can record analytical standards that they have prepared. I have one table that records reagent inventory and relevant reagent information like lot number, date received, expiration date, manufacturer, etc. For analytical standards that use only one reagent, this is simple to build with a one-to-many relationship. However, some standards are made with multiple different reagents. How do I get multiple parent records on a single child record? Any help would be appreciated!Solved75Views0likes4CommentsRelating Multiple Records from another table
I am trying to create a new process for tracking manual revisions in our training curricula that we've built into our project manager app. Each change may affect multiple curricula, and multiple lessons within it. I would like to be able to add a change, select the curricula it applies to from a dropdown, and then have another dropdown of lessons from the curricula. I have the relationships set up the way I want it now, but I can only select one curricula and one lesson to relate to each change record. I've seen the many to many option of having a table in the middle, but I'm struggling to figure out how to apply that to my scenario. I remember an Empower session that related multiple work equipment to one work order using a multi select and a Pipeline to relate that to an Equipment table but I can't remember how it was done in the end. I'd love any ideas!33Views0likes2Comments