Passing images to gmail from QB gmail pipeline channel.
I have a QB rich text field which I am placing in the gmail pipeline channel body field. All of the rich text is appearing in gmail sends except for the images. The gmail is not recognizing the image even if the image URL is on a public domain. Any ideas how to get an image to appear in gmail via this channel?6Views0likes0CommentsPipeline to write to Google Spreadsheet triggered by spreadsheet import
So I've been testing writing QB to a Google Sheet whenever a record gets created. Tried testing when a spreadsheet is imported as that is how our users create records, but the pipeline triggers everytime each record is created which can sometimes create a bottleneck and some of the data not being transfered. In summary: ~100 excel lines imported - > ~100 records created all at once > Pipeline to transfer to Google gets triggered that many times within seconds -> bottleneck ->error -> Google Sheets missing some lines Is there a way to trigger the pipeline only once when a spreadsheet is created and loop through the records imported one by one? Or could I keep the first model and incorporate the Clock channel to ensure each one finished writing before the pipeline is called again somehow? Thanks40Views0likes5CommentsDuplicate Record & Add new/different data PIPELINE
parent table - TAKE/OFFs child table - TAKE/OFF CALCULATIONS Take/Offs create record in Take/Off Calculations using a pipeline Take/Offs FIELD [PLAN OR OPTION NAME] contains MASTER is the only field "pipelined" into the TAKE/OFF CALCULATIONS table Now, I need a PIPELINE to add 5 additional records duplicating same [PLAN OR OPTION NAME]......New records will then contain selections from multiple choice field [CALCULATION TYPE] In summary, starts with this record: TEST.PLAN.MASTER - no data in CALCULATION TYPE field Need: TEST.PLAN.MASTER with selection from Calculation Type field - WALLS.INTERIOR and TEST.PLAN.MASTER with selection from Calculation Type field - CEILING.INTERIOR and TEST.PLAN.MASTER with selection from Calculation Type field - WALLS EXTERIOR and ETC thank you12Views0likes1CommentPipeline Jinja url decode
In a Pipeline, you can use the Jinja urlencode filter to encode a value that needs to be safely encoded for use somewhere else. However, how can you use the URL Decode function? I am used to Python, JavaScript, and other languages where you can easily use a URL Decode function. In fact, it seems in the full subset of Jinja filters or function, there actually IS a urldecode but that Quickbase hasn't implemented it in their build of Jinja for Pipelines. Any ideas? Desired: {{a.json.url | urldecode}}23Views0likes1CommentOptimizing Quickbase Admin Console Connected (Sync) Tables for Effective Governance
Approximately 5-minute read In the ever-evolving landscape of data management,Quickbase's Admin Console Connected (ACC) tables (known also as Sync tables) stand out as a pivotal tool for administrators. These tables are more than just a feature - they represent a methodology for streamlined data governance and management. This blog post delves into the strategic setup and utilization of ACC tables, guiding you through a journey of efficient administration and governance of your Quickbase realm. The Governance Starter Kit To establish a comprehensive governance framework, realm admins need to create three core applications. These three apps lay a solid foundation, which allows for easy expansion and subsequent modifications. Step 1 - Create an app called Admin Console Sync Hub: This is the centralized location for all ACC tables and is crucial for warehousing data points that the realm admin will use in the Realm Insights app. Less is more in this app. It is not advised to add relationships, reports, roles, users, etc. This is essentially a data repository that updates according to the app manager's specifications. ACC Tables currently include Users, User Access, and Applications. It is important to create this foundation to prepare for future tables that will be added. Step 2 - Create an app called Realm Insights: This is where the Realm Admin will slice and dice all realm data to get a holistic understanding of the realm and its overall health. It shows how Apps and Users are being utilized and what they interact with in the Realm. It will also help develop, enforce, and maintain policy with Quickbase and ensure alignment with your company IT (Information Technology) strategy. Step 3 - Create an app called Realm Logger: An advanced audit log that tracks specific attributes with a defined granularity. Some examples of data tracked would be App Deletions, User token Additions, User token changes, User Access additions/removals App Manager changes, etc. Through the utilization of Pipelines, this app creates logs from changes in data in the Admin Console Sync Hub app and the Realm Insights app. Although some of these attributes may be tracked in Audit Logs, this methodology allows flexibility and granularity based on the need of the client’s organizations. Admin Console Sync Hub Overview It is important to note that each ACC table should come with a Pipeline. The Pipeline has multiple purposes. It copies data from the Admin Console Sync Hub into Realm Insights. It also logs its results in Realm Logger and changes/additions/removals of the data that was interacted with. ACC Table Pipeline Process to log a Deleted App ACC Table of Applications updates once a day. When the table updates (or at a scheduled time), the Apps Pipeline fires. It updates the Realm Insights Applications Table with the updated data. The Pipeline then compares the updated data and removes all records (apps) that are no longer in the Apps Table of the Admin Console Sync Hub. These records are then added to the Realm Logger Apps Deleted Table. Now the Realm Admin can see all App deleted in the Realm and the attributes they choose to maintain. Separation for Simplification A common question is why this solution keeps the Admin Console Sync Hub and its ACC tables separate from Realm Insights. While integrating directly into Realm Insights is possible (and often necessary for certain API integrations), maintaining separate entities simplifies app management. This separation prevents the need for re-architecting Realm Insights with each new ACC table addition (read about our expansion plans below), enabling a more streamlined update process through pipelines. This method has proven easier to scale and allows the client to build the solution as they see fit. There are a wide range of building skillsets, and technically, you may not want a pipeline per ACC Table. You may want to use one pipeline or twenty. The point is to prepare for scale and keep applications limited in roles and scope so that a “Franken-App" does not occur. User Token Added as ACC after a Few Months Example: A Realm Admin imports a User Token file from Admin Console on a weekly basis in a Table labelled “User Token” in Realm Insights. In a few months, the Realm Admin has been told a new User Token ACC Table is going to be made available. There are many reports, workflows, and relationships associated with the User Token table in Realm Insights. Once the User Token ACC Table is made available, the Realm Admin can create a pipeline to copy the data into the Realm Insights app. NOTE: All Quickbase plans include audit logging, which is accessed from the Admin Console. If you decide to set up your own audit table in the Realm Logger app, this can be a great tool to facilitate custom reporting and notifications. However, any audit records saved to a Quickbase app can be modified or deleted if the roles in the app allow this. That means the Realm Logger may not meet your needs if you plan to use it for compliance purposes. To determine the right approach in that case, please make sure you consult your legal team first. Use Cases Here are some examples of some of the data insights you can gain by just leveraging the three ACC tables that exist now: Users – Users in the Realm How many non-company emails are being used in the realm Anytime a user changes permissions: Can Create Apps Realm Approved Realm Admin Super User Pipeline create permissions App Admin Can Create User Tokens Non-Realm Approved Employees Users to Deny (based on length of time not accessed) Users that have Never Accessed an app, but still have Access Access – Users and their app access # of App Access per User App Level Permissions per User per App # of Apps Accessed per specific timeframe Apps – Apps in the Realm How many applications have not been accessed in 90/180/240/360 days # of Apps per App Manager Apps Created per Year Everyone on the Internet Apps Apps with or without Vendor Access Anticipating Future Expansions Quickbase's commitment to growth is evident with the planned introduction of new Admin Console connected tables, encompassing User Tokens, Pipelines, Groups, Tables, Pipeline Access, and Solutions. These additions, expected throughout 2024, highlight the need for a robust foundation to facilitate easy scaling. Conclusion: The ACC tables are more than just a single feature. They are a cornerstone of effective Quickbase governance. By understanding and implementing these strategic practices, you can transform the way you manage your realm, laying a foundation for growth and efficiency. As more data points become available, scaling becomes much easier as you mature with the product and the product adds additional ACC Tables and APIs. Explore more about connecting ACC tables in our help center article. For in-depth information and if you need further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to your sales or service support contacts.463Views2likes0CommentsPipelines to upsert just one of duplicate records
I have an invoice line item table with a non-key field Invoice #. Some lines have the same invoice number. These lines with the same invoice number are usually entered by the user at the same time (because there's more than one line per invoice). I want to use a pipeline to create an invoice header from the lines. I have a table with a custom key that is that invoice #. Of course it needs to be unique. I know that if I use upsert I can insert new invoice headers and update existing ones. Right now I have my filter set to pull all invoice lines added in the last few minutes. But some in that set will have duplicate invoice numbers, and the upsert does not allow this within the same commit - it errors out on the duplicate key. Is there a way to commit one record at a time with upsert? Or should I be doing this a different way?Solved31Views0likes2CommentsTime format in pipelines
I am trying to have a pipeline enter the current time and a time 2 minutes prior into two seperate fields. Below are the values I am using. It doesnt work because the format isnt allowed in a time of day field. How do I format the values properly? {{}} {{ -}}11Views0likes1CommentPipeline to add Parent record from child import
I have two tables -- Parent Table A and Child Table B. When importing records into Child Table B --- if there is not a Parent Table A "related record" -- I would like to create a new "Related Record" for Parent Table A --- Note: there may be multiple child records that have the same ParentID that need a "new" related parent record --- I'm not sure I would go about creating a Unique List of Parent records that need to be created. - appreciate any help.Solved69Views1like8Comments'Catching' non http 2XX API responses in Pipeline
Is it possible to add a condition in a pipeline that 'catches' a non-2XX HTTP response from a Fetch JSON or webhooks request. It seems pipelines automatically go into a failed status if anything but a 2XX code is returned. I tried a condition with 'Status' equal to 404 (for example) but the pipeline still failed rather than branching. Thanks8Views0likes0CommentsPipeline - which field caused the trigger?
Right now, I have a table, call it "Issues." There is a Pipeline that is triggered whenany field is updated in an Issues record; this creates a new record in the "Edits" table, and Last Modified By and Date Modified are written to this new "Edit" record. What I want to do is find outwhich field (or fields) caused the Pipeline to trigger. For example, in the "Issue" record, did the user change the value in the Status field or the Next Step field? Or both? I know I can use $prev to access the value before the edit (and ultimately I want to store this in the Edit record). Is there a way to access the name or fid of the field(s) that changed and triggered the pipeline? ------------------------------ Aaron Alpert ------------------------------16Views0likes2Comments