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JimHarrison's avatar
Qrew Champion
6 months ago

September Portland Qrew Meetup Notes

September Portland Qrew meeting started at 3 PM PST on a beautiful fall day. Attendees were Lee Gilmore, Jonathan Miller, Jen Clarke, Jim Harrison. Elena Larabee and a couple last minute invites Jonathan thought would benefit from the experience (KennedyM (Wyoming/Montana), Ender (Denver Co)). In the end the last minute invites didn't make it but I wanted to make note of the invitation to track how this develops.

After saying our hello's and introductions, then finding there were no collaboration problems to solve, we reviewed the past months progress.

Starting with Lee explaining how he is working on last minute projects, trying to finish something for a customer, and so a little distracted. Having children who attend PPS we are well aware of in-service days where there is no school and Lee was attending remotely. Lee said he will be at next months meeting if all goes to plan.

Jen talked about making preparations to building out a Mobile solution. Part of the month was spent comparing Quickbase versus FastField Forms on the iPad. It sounded like the conclusion is FastField is the path forward. Licenses are purchased and they started to learn the FastField UI. The project goal is to provide field representatives with the ability to enter work orders electronically. It's exciting to hear about the development of an electronic, wireless data entry and processing system custom built to the company's specifications. The amount of design that must go into what sounds like a simple project can be overwhelming. We are looking forward to hearing what Jen discovers and are standing by ready to assist and be awed at the design ingenuity.

Elena talked about efforts with trying to move data between Domains. In this example, an iFrame in a QB Dashboard that opens an O365 scheduling tool ~ sort of what Tammie was working on previously. When a User clicks the scheduler, the Scheduler page is supposed to open. Instead there is an error because of a security feature in the browser to disable cross site scripting. Aside; for a while Website builders could steer Users away from one Website and to another Website. The method eventually was used to steer Users to nefarious Websites where data loss could happen. Browser builders put a stop to Cross Site Scripting and named it CORS and the Internet moved on. We talked about the inherent problems and shared the limited understanding we have of leveraging Oauth and other security methods to solve the problem. This problem is another of those "sounds easy" until you try it challenges most developers come across regularly. When Elena comes up with a working solution, we look forward to hearing how it was solved and taking notes. Elena also started on the path to discovering Jira a project management tool and is still in the early stages of determining how it's supposed to work. 

Next I shared my progress in the past month. My main focus has been updating stored procedures that use QuNect to sync data between different services in the environment. As is normal with managing data synchronization, there are always requests to add another field to the sync so some other process can be built out for some reason. My method when making these changes is to review field comments, and update notes as needed or where lacking. Over time it is much easier to manage complex systems if there are bread crumbs of knowledge. Also this month we had an amazing opportunity to bring together a large group of Users at Harder and talk about how they use the systems we have built. We called it the "PRIME Improvement Team" event. The event was 3 days of talking about PRIME (our custom Quickbase solution) and listening to our Users. The event was well received by all attendees with requests for more and a lot of new work for the development team based upon the conversation.  Finally I shared my experience with the new Quickbase Support Website and gave a rundown on the plus deltas.

We wound down the meeting talking about Forms, new style vs old style and form rules in general. Basically with old forms it was nice to have all the fields in a list to manipulate and a pita to manage form rules. We touched on the challenges to transitioning over to new forms. The difference in performance between the old and new forms (old forms are faster). Finally we discussed working and collaborating with development teams . When working with a team of developers there is an extra layer of responsibility amongst the team to ensure all are aware of standards and what everyone is doing. Having daily standups in an open blameless environment is critical to ensuring the team is comfortable working together. It is easy to go into your cave and only come out for food and bathroom breaks. Taking time on a daily basis to share with the team engenders creativity and collaboration.

Finally Jonathan Miller, who is a new Quickbase employee and first time attendee, gave some plus deltas of the meeting. He volunteered to be the note taker (thank you) and wanted to invite more Quickbase builders to the meeting. It is impressive to see the level of professionalism Jonathan brings to the table and we are looking forward to working together moving forward.

Below is my BMW 1979 R65 per a request from Jonathan. Looking East from the hills on the East side of Salem, OR.


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