Forum Discussion

JimHarrison's avatar
Qrew Champion
2 years ago

08/23 Qrew Meeting

Hello All,

Looking forward meeting at 3PM Wednesday.

Plan for this event is to work on some projects/solutions. We will walk through ideation, planning and implementation with the goal of getting one thing done.

Elena do you want to bring a laptop and one thing we can work on? If not the floor is open to requests.

If there are no requests maybe we can play with the Pipelines Beta and see what we can break.

As usual please RSVP if you are planning to attend so I can plan accordingly.

Have a great weekend,

Jim Harrison
transparency = knowledge + understanding : The Scrum Dudes
  • LeeGilmore's avatar
    Quickbase Alumni

    Greetings PDXers,

    I'll be there next week and looking forward to the working session!

    Lee Gilmore
  • Hey Jim, 

    That sounds great! I've got a crazy week ahead of me, but I'll see if I can get my formstack trial renewed so we can play around with that merge doc. 

    Elena Larrabee
  • Thanks Jim! I'm planning on being there. I know my biggest hurdle recently has been dealing with integrations between our ERP and Quickbase, so I'd love any feedback from the group on what tools/techniques have worked well for others. Other than that I'm excited to just keep getting ideas from everyone.

    Jen Clark
    • JimHarrison's avatar
      Qrew Champion

      We have an agenda!

      Between Elena and Jen we should have some work to do. Since this is going to be some learning and idea sharing, expect it to take longer than usual. 

      Elena and Jen, please bring a device so you can screen share your environment on the big screen and Teams. The first thing we'll want to do is talk about the entire process from start to finish and then we can come up with solutions.

      I think this will be fun! See you all tomorrow.

      P.S. you can park in the parking lots surrounding the building. 

      Jim Harrison
      transparency = knowledge + understanding : The Scrum Dudes
      • JimHarrison's avatar
        Qrew Champion

        P.P.S If anyone wants to join via Teams email me and I'll send a link.

        Jim Harrison
        transparency = knowledge + understanding : The Scrum Dudes
  • Hey everyone, I got the looping construct to work with my Formstack pipeline!!! THANK YOU! I am so excited to implement this. 

    Elena Larrabee