Lists and Random Functionality
Hi everyone, I am new to QB so these questions could have simple solutions so I figured I would post them. I am currently uploading 100K+ in entries from excel and want to select a random 1000 from the data set. Is there a way to do that? I looked into the report formulas and pipelines and nothing stood out, but doesn't mean it's not there. 2nd - If not, I know how to randomize it based off sorting the data a particular way, but didn't know if I am able to limit the output of the table to only 1000 rows? Either would work, but a random function would be more idea. Thank you Anthony ------------------------------ Anthony McIntyre ------------------------------19Views0likes0CommentsHow to modify/edit multiple records at once?
I've one column named "comment". When I select more than one rows from results to make comment, a single comment should get applied to all selected data change rows. Also, I'm looking for a free form text box to add comment Is there a way to do this? ------------------------------ Mrunali Kadam ------------------------------13Views0likes0CommentsSearch specifications
I have a table with people's names in it. One (maybe more down the road) person has punctuation in their name (French: L'Name). When I search their name QB returns nothing. When I put any punctuation into the search bar nothing shows up... Is there some trick I can use to work around this? Hoping there's some search functionality that I can use to search names like this. Thanks! ------------------------------ Edwin Reik ------------------------------32Views0likes1Commenthow to display chinese character in the lable of fileds
How to display chinese character in the lable of fileds? I can only see the charcters like "客人姓名" if I input chinese in the lable of fields. Thanks. ------------------------------ Wal Wang ------------------------------33Views0likes2CommentsChange ownership of multiple records
The directions for doing this seem very clear: But when I click "More" (the three dots) on my table report, the options I see don't include "Change the Owner of These Records". (I am in a table report that contains only the relevant records.) I am an Administrator of the app and am able to change the owner of a single record in edit mode. I can't seem to edit the record owners of multiple records. I am hoping that someone can point out something obvious that I seem to be missing! ------------------------------ Chyanne ------------------------------49Views0likes5CommentsIs there a way to search multiple records and open multiple records with one button/click?
Hi there, I am wondering is there a way to search multiple records and open multiple records windows with one button/click? Thank you. I am asking this because a colleague needs to update some fields of multiple records, could be dozens or hundreds. Those records could be randomly picked, hard to cover all of them by creating a report by single or multiple field properties. 1. He wants a search box can paste all the record names one time and get a list of these records. 2. Even there was a report for him and he knew how to use Grid Edit, he still wants to open all records windows at one click. Is it something possible? without advanced API and developer function. Ning ------------------------------ Ning W ------------------------------166Views0likes12CommentsAdding a record
I am close to completing a Sales CRM for my organization. I have structured it in a way that "forces" the user to create all required records to support an opportunity. However, using the "+" icon on the top right ribbon of the QuickBase application breaks the continuity, i.e., it will allow a user to create a contact without any associated company, an opportunity without an associated contact, a solution without an associated opportunity, etc. Is there any way to restrict the user from accessing the "+" icon? ------------------------------ Michael Murphree ------------------------------47Views0likes2CommentsHiding Rows/Records
Hello - I hope this is an easy task. I know how to hide an entire field in a table (the three dots at the top of the field), however, my team also needs to be able to easily hide rows/records as well. Some records need to be kept in the table but are no longer active and in excel we could just easily hide a row, is that possible with QB? Thanks! Meagan ------------------------------ Meagan McOlin ------------------------------119Views0likes1Comment