Update Date & Time field with URL Button
Hey Community, I'm working on some cool approval functionality and want to be able to use a URL button field to 1, change the status and 2, update the date and time of a field. I have everything worked out excepted for the date and time stamp of "today" or "now" & "fid_67="Today()" what's is the proper formula to update this field to the current date and time? Let me know if you need any additional information. Thank you :) ------------------------------ Jack Woods ------------------------------99Views0likes3CommentsMaking a Rich Text Formula Field into a Button
I am not very fluent in coding, even at the basic level. I found on a different post the formula below for a "Save and Keep Working" field to appear in the middle of a form but can't figure out how to make it appear like a button. "<div style='Vibrant Success' onclick=$('#footerSaveAndKeepWorkingMenuOption').click();>Save and Keep Working</div>" A button similar to the "add record" buttons that are automatically created Thanks in advance! ------------------------------ Ryan Whitener ------------------------------83Views0likes3CommentsCreate a simple edit record button
I am attempting to create a button to use on a table or a form to allow not so familiar users to find easily. I am using this formula "?act=API_EditRecord" in a URL-formula field but am getting an error. Is the URL-Formula field the way to go? ------------------------------ Michael Hall ------------------------------79Views0likes2CommentsCustom Button Working on Browser/PC - Not on Mobile?
Hey Community, I made a simple button so that external web users could submit records into my table. It works great on PC but does not seem to save the record on mobile. On mobile it just does the redirect. This caused some issues because I thought it was working - when really it wasn't submitting any of the details the user just entered. How can I update my button to make sure it's saving the record on mobile then redirecting to that other webpage? URLRoot()&"db/"&Dbid()&"?a=dbpage&pagename=thankyou.html&ifv=20" ------------------------------ Jack Woods | Low Code 4 Lyfe ------------------------------46Views0likes8CommentsCopy Master & Detail Records bottun
Hi Everyone, I'm pretty new to QuickBase so I 'm not sure if this question is addressed somewhere else or not. I created a button to copy a record and it looks like the formula is working fine. I'm just wondering if there is any way to modify this formula? Basically, I would like to change the value of a specific field(the field is a Text - Multiple Choice) when I copy the record. Copy Formula: "javascript:void(copyMasterDetailButtonHandler('&relfids=61,14©Fid=6&destrid=0&sourcerid=" & [Opportunity #] & "', 'br74dayx8'))" ------------------------------ Michael Naser ------------------------------45Views0likes1CommentURL Language
I am trying to find a good tutorial that will help me to create a button to return to the related record in a parent table. I see some discussions in the Community but I don't know the language. Is there a tutorial on the URL formula language? In the short term, I want the button, but in the long term, I want to learn this so I know what's going on. Thanks! Mike ------------------------------ Mike michael.rorstad@ameebay.com ------------------------------30Views0likes4CommentsMissing "rid" parameter.
i have created one formula (button) which updated the checkbox to checked and redirect to the new custom page. URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() &"?a=API_EditRecord&rid="& URLEncode ([Record ID#])& "&_fid_24=" & URLEncode("true") & "&rdr=" & URLEncode(URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid()&"?a=dbpage&pageID=4") but i got rid parameter error. <qdbapi> <action>API_EditRecord</action> <errcode>30</errcode> <errtext>No such record</errtext> <errdetail>Missing "rid" parameter.</errdetail> </qdbapi> ------------------------------ preeti verma ------------------------------30Views0likes5CommentsButton to clear 'primary address' some other record and allows adding to the current child record
Hi. Another question. I seem to be missing something about how buttons seem to work. For this post, I referred to Setting a 'Primary' address- How to ensure only 1 child record has a checkbox checked | Discussions (quickbase.com). I needed that functionality, but I've got another question to follow up that one. I'm wondering, however, if a user is in the midst of adding a New address, what can the user do to clear that primary address checkbox from other records in order to allow adding the new address as a primary? Is there a button/url design that will function this way during the Add process? I tried adding a ToggleCheckbox button (thanks Kirk Trachy) which triggers an automation to do the search and clear, but it only seems to fire correctly when editing the record, not when entering a new record. And I suppose another option is to use a button to make the changes in the parent form after the new record is entered with the similar buttons and maybe an automation (thanks again Kirk Trachy) but I want to be able to allow the user to change it when they think of it as they are entering the new record. Is that possible? Thanks Dave ------------------------------ Dave Halter ------------------------------21Views0likes1Comment