URL button to add new record and then go to that record
Hi everyone, I feel really silly asking this, but I can't figure out how to use a URL button to add a new record and then simply go to the newly added record. This is what I have currently. And, the only reason I'm using API_AddRecord instead of API_GenAddRecordForm is because I can't get it to set field 18 to what I want, but for whatever reason it does work with AddRecord. URLRoot() & "db/" & [_DBID_CREW_TIME_RECORDS] & "?a=API_AddRecord" & "&_fid_18=" & Now() & "&apptoken=cynqae3bygzqysbuufhnqczijtxn" & "&rdr="&URLEncode(URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() & "?a=doredirect&z=" & Rurl()) Thank you! ------------------------------ Elena Larrabee ------------------------------165Views0likes6CommentsNeed a button to view current record in a different form
*Edited* I am looking to create a button on the main form that when clicked will Save the current record form and then show the info in that current record in a different form? I have tried the auto save when navigating away function. It doesn't establish the Record ID# so the formula showing the current form also shows in the newly opened form. ------------------------------ Chris Swirtz ------------------------------67Views0likes7CommentsRouting User to Different Form Based on Field Value
Hello, I have a process where users view a case file and work the file. We have grown so now we have several different types of case file and need to use a different form for each file type. I can imagine several ways to do this, but none are clean. Below is a list of what we tried. We tried using an iframe that linked to a formula url field, this worked except is displays the QB header twice and limits the screen size (iframes are apparently not responsive in QB). We tried using one "mega-form" with conditionals, but we hit the embedded report limit and certain fields need to be on multiple forms which QB disallows. We tried creating a different table for each file type but that breaks QB search widget (search widget can only search 1 table at a time). The best solution we found was to create a rich text field that displayed a link to the various case type forms, but then we lose the functionality of the edit and view buttons that display on every report and the search widget. Are there any other solutions to this issue? Edit: The real issue seems to be QB does not support building code at the routing stage of the application. Is this common web application functionality being considered for a future update? ------------------------------ Justin Ferris ------------------------------126Views0likes4CommentsFormula URL Form ID Shows Wrong Form
Hi, I'm using the following formula to operate a button. Pressing the button opens a specific form, form 11. URLRoot() & "db/" & [_DBID_TABLEINQUESTION] & "?a=er&dfid=1000011&rid=" & URLEncode ([Record ID#])& "&z=" & Rurl() Every morning I test the button. Although the URL displayed in my browser address bar shows "...dfid=1000011", I am looking at form 2, the default form. If I go to settings/forms and preview each form, the button works properly again until the next day. Please help ------------------------------ J.T. Ogle ------------------------------42Views0likes4CommentsEdit Record button doesn't work (a=er)
Hello, I have a button and when I use ?a=API_EditRecord&rid= it works, but of course saves the record. I would like the record to stay opened in Edit mode. So when I use ?a=er&dfid=2&rid= it doesn't update any of the fields. I need to be able to enter a quantity before I save. I'm starting to feel crazy, but I had the button working the other day fine, and the next day it didn't work. This one updates fields correctly but saves: URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() & "?a=API_EditRecord&rid=" & URLEncode([Record ID#]) &_fid_119=" & URLEncode("Change Qty Requested") //Change Order Status & "&_fid_110=1" //Changed Item checkbox & "&_fid_111=" & URLEncode("Waiting on Approval") //Approval Status & "&_fid_109=" & URLEncode("Waiting on Approval") // Change Status & "&_fid_114=" & URLEncode([Qty]) // Change Previous QTY & "&z=" & Rurl() This one opens the record in edit mode, but doesn't edit the values of any of the specified fields: URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() & "?a=er&dfid=2&rid=" & URLEncode([Record ID#]) & "&_fid_119=" & URLEncode("Change Qty Requested") //Change Order Status & "&_fid_110=1" //Changed Item checkbox & "&_fid_111=" & URLEncode("Waiting on Approval") //Approval Status & "&_fid_109=" & URLEncode("Waiting on Approval") // Change Status & "&_fid_114=" & URLEncode([Qty]) // Change Previous QTY & "&z=" & Rurl() What am I missing here?64Views0likes7CommentsURL Button to check a checkbox
I am trying to have a URL Button to check a checkbox if that checkbox is empty and do nothing if it is already checked. I would also like this button to be pressed from an embedded report. Essentially, I have an Items table that is embedded into an estimate table. The items have the name, description, price and whether it is approved or not. The approved checkbox is unchecked until the customer decides they want to move forward with that line item so I need a button that can be pushed from the embedded report that will check the approved box and update the item100Views1like13CommentsRichtext button and URL button alignment
I have a Formula-Rich Text button in a row with some URL buttons and they won't align correctly Anyone else run into this or know how to fix?: Notice the middle button is higher than the others. Why!? ------------------------------ Jeff Peterson ------------------------------77Views0likes9CommentsURL Button to Open form in another app
Hello, I have two separate apps, the projects app and the cost app. They exist in two different apps because it best fit the needs of our cost packages. I have a form in our project app that creates complex automations on our project side, however I would like our team to be able to access the form through the Cost App. I would like to make a button in our cost app that opens the form with the related record id from our project app (the record ids for our projects are the same between the cost app and the project app because we used a connected table). Is this possible? #crossapprelationships #URLformulabuttons #Buttons Thanks ------------------------------ Mackenzie Phillips ------------------------------58Views0likes5CommentsHow do I create a button within a Quickbase form that allows users to add fields when needed?
How can I add a button within my Quickbase form that enables users to add additional dropdown fields with associated comment text fields as needed? ------------------------------ manohar vankireddy ------------------------------117Views0likes1Commentchange multiple fields with one button
so I need to make my cancel button change one field to "Cancelled" (which it is doing) but now I need to get another field (fid 65) to change to "Closed" and I have tried to simply add on the field ID 65 but that hasn't worked out so well as I get an error. here is my full code w/o my app ID tho var text RID = If([Record ID#] > 0, ToText([Record ID#]), "%%rid%%"); var text Edit = URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() & "?a=API_EditRecord&rid=" & $RID & "&apptoken=missed one &_fid_79=" & URLEncode("Cancelled") & URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() & "?a=API_EditRecord&rid=" & $RID & "&apptoken=missed one &_fid_65=" & URLEncode("Closed"); var text DisplayURLMissingRID = URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() & "?a=dr&rid="; var text URL = $Edit & "&rdr=" & URLEncode($DisplayURLMissingRID) & $RID; "<a class='SaveBeforeNavigating' data-replaceRid=true style=\"text-decoration:none; background: #000000; border-radius: 10px; color: #ffffff; display: inline-block; padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px; width:200px; text-align: center; text-shadow: none; border: 2px solid #000000; font-size: 12px \"href='" & $URL & "'>Cancel</a>" this is the error that I get: <qdbapi> <action>API_EditRecord</action> <errcode>0</errcode> <errtext>No error</errtext> <rid>220</rid> <num_fields_changed>0</num_fields_changed> <update_id>1680093311158</update_id> </qdbapi> so while I would guess that this change is wrong (obviously), but the ask is possible, just went down the wrong road. thank you for your help! ------------------------------ Michelle Craig ------------------------------81Views0likes3Comments