Formula URL Form ID Shows Wrong Form
Hi, I'm using the following formula to operate a button. Pressing the button opens a specific form, form 11. URLRoot() & "db/" & [_DBID_TABLEINQUESTION] & "?a=er&dfid=1000011&rid=" & URLEncode ([Record ID#])& "&z=" & Rurl() Every morning I test the button. Although the URL displayed in my browser address bar shows "...dfid=1000011", I am looking at form 2, the default form. If I go to settings/forms and preview each form, the button works properly again until the next day. Please help ------------------------------ J.T. Ogle ------------------------------18Views0likes4CommentsEdit Record button doesn't work (a=er)
Hello, I have a button and when I use ?a=API_EditRecord&rid= it works, but of course saves the record. I would like the record to stay opened in Edit mode. So when I use ?a=er&dfid=2&rid= it doesn't update any of the fields. I need to be able to enter a quantity before I save. I'm starting to feel crazy, but I had the button working the other day fine, and the next day it didn't work. This one updates fields correctly but saves: URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() & "?a=API_EditRecord&rid=" & URLEncode([Record ID#]) &_fid_119=" & URLEncode("Change Qty Requested") //Change Order Status & "&_fid_110=1" //Changed Item checkbox & "&_fid_111=" & URLEncode("Waiting on Approval") //Approval Status & "&_fid_109=" & URLEncode("Waiting on Approval") // Change Status & "&_fid_114=" & URLEncode([Qty]) // Change Previous QTY & "&z=" & Rurl() This one opens the record in edit mode, but doesn't edit the values of any of the specified fields: URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() & "?a=er&dfid=2&rid=" & URLEncode([Record ID#]) & "&_fid_119=" & URLEncode("Change Qty Requested") //Change Order Status & "&_fid_110=1" //Changed Item checkbox & "&_fid_111=" & URLEncode("Waiting on Approval") //Approval Status & "&_fid_109=" & URLEncode("Waiting on Approval") // Change Status & "&_fid_114=" & URLEncode([Qty]) // Change Previous QTY & "&z=" & Rurl() What am I missing here?31Views0likes7CommentsURL Button to check a checkbox
I am trying to have a URL Button to check a checkbox if that checkbox is empty and do nothing if it is already checked. I would also like this button to be pressed from an embedded report. Essentially, I have an Items table that is embedded into an estimate table. The items have the name, description, price and whether it is approved or not. The approved checkbox is unchecked until the customer decides they want to move forward with that line item so I need a button that can be pushed from the embedded report that will check the approved box and update the item31Views1like13CommentsRichtext button and URL button alignment
I have a Formula-Rich Text button in a row with some URL buttons and they won't align correctly Anyone else run into this or know how to fix?: Notice the middle button is higher than the others. Why!? ------------------------------ Jeff Peterson ------------------------------24Views0likes9CommentsURL Button to Open form in another app
Hello, I have two separate apps, the projects app and the cost app. They exist in two different apps because it best fit the needs of our cost packages. I have a form in our project app that creates complex automations on our project side, however I would like our team to be able to access the form through the Cost App. I would like to make a button in our cost app that opens the form with the related record id from our project app (the record ids for our projects are the same between the cost app and the project app because we used a connected table). Is this possible? #crossapprelationships #URLformulabuttons #Buttons Thanks ------------------------------ Mackenzie Phillips ------------------------------21Views0likes5CommentsHow do I create a button within a Quickbase form that allows users to add fields when needed?
How can I add a button within my Quickbase form that enables users to add additional dropdown fields with associated comment text fields as needed? ------------------------------ manohar vankireddy ------------------------------51Views0likes1Commentchange multiple fields with one button
so I need to make my cancel button change one field to "Cancelled" (which it is doing) but now I need to get another field (fid 65) to change to "Closed" and I have tried to simply add on the field ID 65 but that hasn't worked out so well as I get an error. here is my full code w/o my app ID tho var text RID = If([Record ID#] > 0, ToText([Record ID#]), "%%rid%%"); var text Edit = URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() & "?a=API_EditRecord&rid=" & $RID & "&apptoken=missed one &_fid_79=" & URLEncode("Cancelled") & URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() & "?a=API_EditRecord&rid=" & $RID & "&apptoken=missed one &_fid_65=" & URLEncode("Closed"); var text DisplayURLMissingRID = URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() & "?a=dr&rid="; var text URL = $Edit & "&rdr=" & URLEncode($DisplayURLMissingRID) & $RID; "<a class='SaveBeforeNavigating' data-replaceRid=true style=\"text-decoration:none; background: #000000; border-radius: 10px; color: #ffffff; display: inline-block; padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px; width:200px; text-align: center; text-shadow: none; border: 2px solid #000000; font-size: 12px \"href='" & $URL & "'>Cancel</a>" this is the error that I get: <qdbapi> <action>API_EditRecord</action> <errcode>0</errcode> <errtext>No error</errtext> <rid>220</rid> <num_fields_changed>0</num_fields_changed> <update_id>1680093311158</update_id> </qdbapi> so while I would guess that this change is wrong (obviously), but the ask is possible, just went down the wrong road. thank you for your help! ------------------------------ Michelle Craig ------------------------------34Views0likes3CommentsAPI Edit Record, Mailto, and a rdr or nexturl?
Hi everyone, I am trying to create a button via rich text field that will process an API call to update a record, open an email via a mailto, and redirect back to the record page I was on in one click. I understand there is no way to confirm the email was sent, but opening in the browser will be okay by me. Here is the code I have, which shows a white blank page after running. How do I continue the rdr back to the url? You can see I commented out code as it was not working: var text baseurl = URLRoot() & "db/"& Dbid(); var text purchTbl = $baseurl & [_DBID_PURCHASE_ORDERS]; var text editRecord = "?a=API_EditRecord&apptoken=" & [EliteApptoken] & "&rid=" & [Record ID#]; var text LABEL = "Executive Approval"; var text decoration = "text-decoration: none;"; var text bgColor = "background: #0044cc;"; var text txtColor = "color: white;"; var text txtAlign = "text-align: center;"; var text txtShadow = "text-shadow: none;"; var text border = "border-radius: 5px;"; var text padding = "padding: 8px 20px;"; var text display = "display: inline-block;"; var text font = "font: normal 700 24px/1 'Calibri', sans-serif;"; var text styleOptns = List("", $decoration, $bgColor, $txtColor, $txtAlign, $txtShadow, $border, $padding, $display, $font); var text mailto = "mailto:" & [Manufacturer - PO Submission Email] & "?subject=Purchase Order&body=Please review the attached Purchase Order and confirm receipt."; If([Old PO], "", If(IsNull([Executive Review On]) and IsNull([Project Review On]), "<span style= 'font-family:Calibri;color:#57a3f0;font-size:14px'><Strong>Requires Executive Approval</Strong><br /></span>", "<div><a style='" & $styleOptns & "' class='Vibrant' href='" & $baseURL & $editRecord & "&_fid_40=" & Today() & "&rdr=" & URLEncode($mailto) & //URLEncode("&rdr=" & //URLEncode(URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() & "?a=dr&rid=" & [Record ID#]) & "'>Submit PO</a></div>"))//) ------------------------------ Ivan Weiss ------------------------------90Views0likes8CommentsThere was an error copying the records. Contact the application administrator with the error details below. Error Details: CopyMasterDetail does not allow looping relationships
I created a copy of an app as a "demonstration/test". In it, I enabled a button to Copy Master & Detail Records. It worked perfectly in the "demonstration/test" environment, but not in the live app and I'm not sure what I need to look to so that I can correct it. From what I can tell, all relationships look to be the same. One thing that was weird was when Choosing a Table in the Copy Master & Detail Records, one table was available in one, but not available in the other. I have a table called ACME (parent). That's related to another table called ACME Registrations (child). I want to copy an ACME and include all their registrations. It worked in the test. When I set it up in the test, the ACME Registrations table was not available to select. But the button worked perfectly. When I set it up in the live application, ACME Registrations was an option to select. The button was still created, but when I hit it, I get the error mentioned in the subject. Here's the button formula from the one that produces the error: "javascript:void(copyMasterDetailButtonHandler('©Fid=6&destrid=0&sourcerid=" & [Record ID#] & "', 'bsixb4euj'))" Here's the button formula from the one that does not produce an error: "javascript:void(copyMasterDetailButtonHandler('©Fid=6&destrid=0&sourcerid=" & [Record ID#] & "', 'bsyeqwhs6'))" Any help would be greatly appreciated. ------------------------------ Dominic Rodriguez ------------------------------23Views0likes2CommentsJavaScript Warning, How can I get this working again?
I have a button that when clicked changes a Date/Time field (57) to when the button was clicked. I am now getting a JavaScript warning when I open the properties window of the button field. How can I get this working again? Thanks, Brian ------------------------------ Brian Dunk ------------------------------10Views0likes7Comments