Field completed auto populates other fields
I am new to developing in Quickbase or any other program. I am building an app where if a person selects one of three regions, I would like to populate only those associated with that region to select. For example, I have three regions, and each region has three items (each item is different in a region and stored in a region table), when I select Region X, I only what the three choices in Region X to be displayed, not the other items associated with the other two regions. Thoughts or suggestions? ------------------------------ Brent ------------------------------33Views0likes1Commentconditional dropdown for field that displays value from another field
I have 2 table Family and Individuals. Family and Individuals have one to many relationship (Family<Individuals). Family has fields name(user input text) and typeX (text multiple choice yes/no). The field name is shared value. Table Individuals has field Part, which is value from field- "name" of Table Family. Although there is parent child relationship and each record in Individuals is linked to parent table family, we should add a records in family which is not parent record. In the drop down I should only display records of shared field- "name" that has typeX as yes. Please guide me on how to do it. ------------------------------ Aswin Babu ------------------------------5Views0likes0CommentsCreating conditional dropdowns in cases of a many to many relationship between tables
I have 3 tables - Products, material and group. Relationships are one material has many products one group has many products many material has many group. Examples for materials are high quality leather, low quality leather, high quality jute, low quality jute, grade 1 jute etc. Examples for groups are Indian leather, Pakistan leather, Bangaladesh leather etc. 1 high quality leather can belong to many groups. as well as 1 indian leather(group) can have belong to many materials. is there a way to create a conditional dropdown for case where there is a many to many. conditional behaviour can be either for materials or group. (if a material or group is selected show corresponding group or materials.) ------------------------------ Aswin Babu ------------------------------11Views0likes1Comment