File Name for PDF attachments
I'm creating a reoccurring notification with a PDF attachment. The attached file name is only showing as "document-1". The pdf is created through the document template and I'm able to already save it with a specific file name. How do I change the file when it's sent out as a PDF attachment with the notification?32Views0likes3CommentsCan I use API_DoQuery to obtain the number of records in a different QB Table/App
Using a Formula-Numeric type, I'd like to grab the number of records that exist in another table that resides in another QB application. Can this be done? I thought I could run a query, then use the "Size()" function on what was returned but that is not working out so well. Any suggestions? ------------------ var text QueryURL = URLRoot() & "<dbid>?a=API_DoQuery&query={3.GT.0}&apptoken=<apptoken>"; Size($QueryURL)20Views0likes1CommentNested API Button open form to add input, check box and redirect back to original form
I have another API Button question...similar to my last question. Using the same table set up (below), but this time the button would be selected if it's for a license that would not be applicable and input from the User would be required. I created a simple table that would pop up when the button was pushed asking the User to add information into the field. It would also check the [Not Applicable] button, then refresh back to the original page. However, I get the attached error page. Any thoughts? License Master(parent table) Pending Locations(parent table Suggested Licenses(a child (many to many table) to both above) Licenses (child (many to many table) to both License Master and Pending Locations / unrelated to Suggested Licenses) var text UpdateSuggestedLicense=URLRoot() & "db/" & [_DBID_SUGGESTED_LICENSES] & "?act=API_EditRecord" & "&rid=" & URLEncode([Record ID#]) & "&_fid_18=true" //Check Not Applicable to this Location & "&apptoken=MY TOKEN" & "&rdr=" & URLEncode(URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() & "?a=dr&rid=" & [Record ID#]); var text OPEN="<a class=\"OpenAsPopup\" data-height=900 data-width=900 href='" & Dbid() & "?a=API_EditRecord&rid=" & [Record ID#] // Suggested License ID & "&dfid=11" // Not Applicable form ID & "&apptoken=MY TOKEN"; var text RefreshPage = URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() & "?a=doredirect&z=" & Rurl();//refresh and redirect back to License page $OPEN &"&rdr=" & URLEncode($UpdateSuggestedLicense) & URLEncode("&rdr=" & URLEncode($RefreshPage))Solved31Views0likes3CommentsNesting API Button Help (Add record and update another)
I have 4 tables I'm working with: License Master (parent table) Pending Locations (parent table Suggested Licenses (a child (many to many table) to both above) Licenses (child (many to many table) to both License Master and Pending Locations / unrelated to Suggested Licenses) I have a pipeline that searches criteria in the License Master to see if it matches criteria in the Pending Location. If any License Master records match they are copied to the Suggested Licenses table. On the Licenses main form the Suggested License embedded report has the API button I'm trying to create. I want to be able to click the button to Add the Suggested License record to the Licenses table if it is applicable for that location. Then edit the Suggested License record by checking the box "Added to Location" to then filter it off of the Suggested License report for that location. This is the formula I currently have and I'm so close. It adds the record and refreshes back to the Licenses page, but it does not perform the 2nd API to check off the box in the Suggested License record. var text ADD=URLRoot() & "db/" & " [_DBID_PERMITS_LICENSES]" & "?act=API_AddRecord" & "&_fid_95=" & URLEncode([Related Pending Location]) & "&_fid_44=" & URLEncode([Related License Master]) & "&_fid_8=" & URLEncode([License Master - Related Issuing Authority]) & "&_fid_21=" & URLEncode([License Master - Related Remittance Agent]) & "&apptoken=XXXXXX"; var text UpdateSuggestedLicense=URLRoot() & "db/" & [_DBID_SUGGESTED_LICENSES] & "?act=API_EditRecord" & "rid=" & URLEncode([Record ID#]) & "&_fid_17=true" & "&apptoken=XXXXXXX"; $ADD & "&rdr=" & URLEncode($UpdateSuggestedLicense) & URLEncode("&rdr=" & URLEncode($RefreshPage)) var text RefreshPage = URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() & "?a=doredirect&z=" & Rurl(); Any help to what I'm missing would be awesome! Thank you.Solved17Views0likes2CommentsAPI Button Help
Hello Everyone, I have created an API button, but I keep getting an update_id error. Can someone please help me understand what this error means so I can fix it? Thank you -Bart <qdbapi> <action>API_AddRecord</action> <errcode>0</errcode> <errtext>No error</errtext> <rid>26238</rid> <update_id>1731629328550</update_id> </qdbapi>Solved44Views0likes9CommentsQuickbooks Online Authorization: Auth2.0 Tokens expiring after 24hrs
Getting an "invalid_grant" error after 24hrs. For the life of me I cannot figure out how to keep the tokens working past 24hrs. This pipeline runs every hour and returns updated refresh and access tokens. Everything works fine for 24hrs. This is from Inutuit Dev: "Tip: We update the value of the refresh_token value every 24 hours hours, or the next time you refresh the access tokens after 24 hours. This is an additional security measure by Intuit to reduce risk of compromise." Somehow refreshing both every hour is not meeting this requirement? We had a pipeline running every 12hrs also to get a refresh token separately but the results were the same. I feel like we are close, but just missing the timing of the pipelines or something else simple. PLEASE HELP!! I can provide more information beyond the two attachments as needed.37Views0likes0CommentsPass international phone format while updating phone number with Quickbase Restful API
I need to pass phone numbers from a 3rd party app to Quickbase via the Restful API. We receive phone numbers from outside the United States, so I need to pass in the country format as well as the phone number. After all my research, it seems like you can only change the country format through the Quickbase user interface. However, if there is a way to not have users do double the work, that would be ideal.11Views0likes0CommentsUPSERT Order processing preferences
When a Quickbase server gets a large UPSERT via API, how does the server perform the process/calculation to locate the correct Record ID# and determine whether to update/add the record in the table? Does the Quickbase system have a preference for the order of records? I'm thinking about what uses more processing in terms of an UPSERT. When I API a bulk UPSERT to a QB table leveraging a UNIQUE field (not the Record ID#) what is the preferred sort order of the records UPSERTED? I can sort using the UNIQUE field. I can sort using Record ID#. I can not sort. Wonder if anyone at Quickbase has performed this type of test and measured the performance?11Views0likes1Comment