Please do not force this new Report Style from the beta on us
Guys, this beta update is probably one of the worst UI changes I've ever seen. Almost no color, no contrast, and the general flow to your eyes is totally disrupted. All this is going to do it cause a loss of overall speed and productively for no reason. There is no reason to do this when there are tons of other items that actually need change. A better form creation UI to name one. Everything about it just goes against the user: Color highlighting is basically useless. If I want light colors, I will code in light colors. What is the point of this? I just cannot get my head behind this. Might as well remove color coding. The header bar looks horrible. It's light gray and almost blends into everything. The strong contrast on the old view makes your eyes snap right to it. The text is no longer vertically centered in the middle as it should be, and is smaller. Why? Again, the loss of contrast cripples things and slows you down. URL buttons look more like badges than buttons. Why? Make a button, look like a button. The original isn't great, but the new one is just terrible. Generally vertical column borders help, but in QuickBase you are always thinking in terms of Records. A row is a record, so it was better to NOT have the vertical borders to help your eyes see each row as a continuous record. Now it looks like a bunch of separate cells. Not helpful at all. The alternating gray highlighting looks alright, but it would be better to have hard solid horizontal borders as well to help keep your eyes in track. Remove the vertical borders, and add horizontal borders. The Report UI is the most crucial thing to using QB, the current view is nearly perfect and does NOT need to be overhauled. Lastly, why are changes like this just forced onto users? What about users with vision problems who already struggle with contrast? How about we have the ability to choose the view or customize the view? That would be great. At the BARE MINIMUM, please do NOT remove the current Table UI. ------------------------------ John Ross ------------------------------106Views9likes18CommentsMarch Table Report Update
First, I want to start off by saying thank you to everyone currently participating in the New Table Report Early Access Program and in particular, thank you to those of you who have submitted feedback or taken our survey. You all have had a ton of awesome feedback for us and I want you to know we've taken it to heart. This month we're rolling out a bunch of exciting enhancements based in large part on feedback from our EA participants! Here are the highlights: New pagination controls We heard you loud and clear that it was difficult to move from page to page with pagination controls that scroll out of view at the top of the report. This month we're introducing new controls that will stick to the bottom of your window, so they'll always be there when you need them. Click on the < or > arrows to advance one page backward or forward, on the numbers themselves to move to a page that closely neighbors the current page, or type directly in the box to skip to a specific page. Table bar/more menu functions We heard from lots of folks that items in the table or more menu that weren't yet available were preventing them from using the new table report more broadly. With that in mind, we did some research to determine which features were most heavily used and have started down the path of building these out. This release we'll be including: Grid Edit Download Report (formerly known as Save as Spreadsheet) Email Print And a “coming soon” tag to other options we’ll be working on including in future releases. Color coding Speaking of critical functionality, many of you also requested we include color coding as it plays a big role in many of your workflows. This Sunday, we'll also be introducing a new color-coding design. The strong color will be displayed in a "chiclet" on the left-hand side of the row with the rest of the row displaying 10% opacity of the same color. Deciding on a new model for color coding was such an interesting challenge. I'm going to write a post just on that. Stay tuned! Column filtering enhancements Since our last community post in January, column filters have improved by leaps and bounds. Now, you can filter almost any field on the fly in the column heading, spreadsheet style. Depending on the type of data and number of options, you may be presented with a dropdown or a text box. New in this release, multi-select fields will now offer a dropdown when the number of options present in the field is < 100. Making decisions about how to build a particular feature in Quick Base is always a constant balancing act between giving the builder the power to customize the experience while still giving end users the flexibility and power to get the information they need. Column filters are a prime example of this. Currently we're giving power to the end user by allowing them to filter almost any column they have access to. That said, we are keeping an ear out to understand how many folks would like an extra control to limit filter options. Bug fixes and performance improvements Along with all of the flashy, exciting improvements mentioned above, we've also continued, as always, fixing bugs as we go and improving performance of the report. In this release, we've fixed a sorting issue affecting long, grouped reports and improved performance when the report is grouped on a user field. Next up, we will be addressing the horizontal scroll issue a number of you mentioned in your feedback. Our developers are working on a fix for this as I'm writing this now, so we should have this resolved by the April release. If you're interested in participating in our early access program for the new table report, but are not yet involved, please make sure you have registered based on the instructions in our monthly release notes. We are inviting more and more participants every day. If you are exceptionally passionate about working with us on this topic and being part of the cutting edge in Quick Base and have not yet received an invite to the program, please reach out to your account team at Quick Base so that they get in touch with the right people on our product team to advocate for you. ------------------------------ Alice Hinshaw - Quick Base Product Manager ------------------------------17Views5likes2CommentsToo 10 report with an remaining ?Other ? category
I?d like to create reports and pie charts that show the top 10 summary of sales by client AND also show all the all the remaining sales together grouped and totaled in the last category labelled ?OTHER?. This especially important for pie charts. Any and all assistance welcomed.29Views3likes3CommentsHow to make a URL button to email a report?
I know how to make a button to initiate emailing a record and populate the TO box. Send Email and populate the To Box URLRoot() & "db/" & Dbid() & "?a=GenEmailRecord&rid=" & [Record ID#] & "&tolist=" & List(", ",UserToEmail([R/S User 1]), UserToEmail([R/S User 2])) Insert &dfid=11 to force a form ?a=GenEmailRecord&&dfid=11&rid= ... does anyone know how to make a similar button to pop up that screen to email a report and populate any of the fields (TO, Subject, Body)?36Views3likes5CommentsSOLUTION: Rich Text Formula field not showing in Grid Edit
Are you having an issue with having your embedded report not showing your beautiful icons and formula fields when you have them set on Grid Edit? Well I sure did, and I wanted to save you all from my hour-long rabbit hole of trying to fix it. The problem: I had two embedded child reports on one form both set to grid edit mode, but only one was showing all the pretty icons and rich text formulas. Milestones embedded table showing icons in Grid Edit Tasks embedded table NOT showing icons in Grid Edit vs. What it should be showing So, I checked every field, link, permission, sub-children, grandparents, DNA, horoscope, formula, and view that I could find. I lined everything up so that it was exactly the same permission-wise, and still no dice. But then I thought of one more thing... The #*%?$@^! Form / Report Permissions... That's right kids. IF your table has more than one form you need to look at the permissions of your reports in that table. Most often they will just grab the permissions from your roles, but that can mess with your Grid Edit. And remember, this ONLY happens if you have more than one Form on your table. So yeah, that is fun. Milestones (1 Form) Tasks (2 Forms) The Fix So here is the fix. Just scroll down to the "Override role settings by report" section (right below your list of Forms) and find your embedded Report. Change the Grid Edit (Full Site) to "<Standard Behavior>". Yeah that is #*@^%*! it! The Culprit The Fix I hope this has been helpful. If so, say hi to me at Empower, or just send a sugar-free energy drink over to my table. I will nod, and we will both know of the rabbit trail you didn't have to follow today. ------------------------------ Meredith Moore aka Quick Base Girl ------------------------------38Views3likes1CommentCreate a Summary Report from a Multi-select Dropdown Field
Suppose I have a Multi-select field with options (A, B, C) and 100 records where the field is used. Is it possible to create a report that counts each time an option is selected in each record? For example: A - 5 B - 8 C - 2 Above would indicate that the option A has been selected 5 times out of all of my records, B has been selected 8 times, and C has been selected 2 times. When I create a summary report for each I just get the count of each combination. Like A - 5 A;B - 3 A;B;C - 237Views3likes4CommentsSave button on iframed Grid Edit report
I'm trying to build some buttons that will display grid edit reports in a pop-up window, allowing users to quickly dive unto selected records and update fields. Since the reports are displaying in a pop-up, I'm displaying them as iframes using "&ifv=1"... The issue: When grid-edit reports are displayed as iframed reports, they do not display the Save, Save changes & Cancel buttons. Is there a way to have these buttons display?39Views2likes9CommentsHow to display PDF in file attachment fields
File attachment fields can show the attached files in forms and reports, but only a few file types are accepted (jpeg and such). Is there a way around this so that PDF attachments can be shown either directly in the form, or as a pop up window (I believe that is called an Iframe ?) after clicking on some button for that purpose? I now have that sort of working through a Chrome extension, which opens the PDF in another tab, but it's slow and cumbersome and has some unwanted side effects.409Views2likes62Comments